Garbhha Raksha Stotram | Mantra to Prevent Abortion
Garbha Rakshambika Stotram Lyrics:
Gar~bha Raksha Mantra for Pregnancy-Garbha Rakshambika Stotram Month Wise in Telugu and in English:
గర్భరక్షాంబికా అంటే గర్భములో ఉన్న శిశువును, ఆ గర్భం దాల్చిన తల్లిని కాపాడే అమ్మలగన్న యమ్మ చాల పెద్దమ్మ. పార్వతీ మాతయే గర్భారక్షాంబికా అమ్మగా పిలవబడుతోంది. అమ్మ వారు కేవలం గర్భం దాల్చిన వారికే కాకుండా, సంతానము లేని దంపతులకు కూడా సత్సంతానము కటాక్షిస్తుంది.
గర్భవతులు ప్రత్యేకించి గ్రహణ సమయంలో / నిత్యమూ శౌనక మహర్షి విరచిత శ్రీ గర్భరక్షా స్తోత్రం / శ్రీ గర్భ రక్షాంబికా స్తోత్రం పారాయణము చేసుకోవడం ఉత్తమం.
Garbha Rakshambika Stotram
ఓం శ్రీ గణేశాయ నమః Om sri ganeshaya namah:
ఓం శ్రీమాత్రే నమః Om sri matre namah:
Ehyehi Bhagawan Brahman,
Praja kartha, praja pathe,
Pragruhsheeniva balim cha imam,
Aaapathyaam raksha garbhineem.
ఏహ్యేహి భగవాన్ బ్రహ్మన్
ప్రజా కర్తా, ప్రజా పతే
ప్రగృహ్షీణివ బలిం చ ఇమం
ఆపత్యాం రక్ష గర్భిణీమ్.
Please accept this sacred Offering,Lord Brahma,
Who creates people,
And who is the lord of the people,
And be pleased to protect,
This lady who is in the family way,
From all dangers.
Aswini deva devesou,
Pragrhneethaam balim dwimam,
Saapathyaam Garbhineem cha imam,
Cha Rakshatham pooja yanaya.
అశ్వినీ దేవ దేవేసౌ
ప్రగృహ్ణీతమ్ బలిం ద్విమం
సాపత్యాం గర్భిణీమ్ చ ఇమం
చ రక్షతాం పూజ యనయా
Oh Aswini Devas,
Who are the doctors of Gods,
Please accept this sacred offering,
And be pleased to protect,
This lady who is in the family way.,
Because of this worship offered to you.
From all dangers.
Rudraascha ekaadasa prokthaa,
Pragruhananthu balim dwimam,
Yushmaakam preethaye vrutham,
Nithyam rakshathu Garbineem.
రుద్రాశ్చ ఏకాదశ ప్రోక్తా
ప్రగృహనంతు బలిం ద్విమం
యుష్మాకం ప్రీతయే వృతం
నిత్యం రక్షతు గర్భిణీమ్.
Oh Holy Rudras who are eleven,
Please accept this sacred offering,
Which has been made as per your wish,
To get your mercy and blessing,
And be pleased to protect daily,
This lady who is in the family way.
Aadhithya dwadasa prokthaa,
Pragrahneethwam balim dwimam,
Yushmagam thejasaam vrudhya,
Nithyam rakshatha garbhineem.
ఆదిత్య ద్వాదశ ప్రోక్తా
ప్రగ్రహ్ణీత్వం బలిం ద్విమం
యుష్మాగం తేజసాం వృధ్య
నిత్యం రక్షత గర్భిణీమ్.
Oh Holy Sun Gods who are twelve,
Please accept this offering,
So that your great luster increases,
Be pleased to accept this sacred offering,
And be pleased to protect daily,
This lady who is in the family way.
Vinayaka Ganadhyaksha,
Shiva Puthra Maha Bala,
Pragrahneeshwa balim cha imam,
Sapathyam raksha garbhineem.
వినాయక గణాధ్యక్షా
శివ పుత్రా మహా బల
ప్రగ్రహ్ణీష్వ బలిం చ ఇమం
సపత్యాం రక్ష గర్భిణీమ్.
Oh Vinayaka, Oh Ganesa,
Oh ~Son of Lord Shiva,
~Oh God who is very strong,
Please accept this sacred offering,
And be pleased to protect,
This lady who is in the family way.
From all dangers.
Skanda Shanmukha Devesa,
Puthra preethi vivardhana,
Pragrahneeshwa Balim cha imam,
Sapathyaam raksha Garbhineem.
స్కంద షణ్ముఖ దేవేశా
పుత్ర ప్రీతి వివర్ధన
ప్రగ్రహ్ణీష్వ బలిం చ ఇమం
సపత్యాం రక్ష గర్భిణీమ్.
Oh Skanda, Oh God with six heads,
Oh ~God who is the chief of devas,
~ Oh God who increases the love for our sons,
Please accept this sacred offering,
And be pleased to protect,
This lady who is in the family way,
From all dangers.
Prabhaasa, Prabhavassyama,
Prathyoosho maruth nala,
Druvoo dhura dhuraschaiva ,
Vasavoshtou prakeerthitha,
Pragrahnee thwam Balim cha imam,
Nithyam raksha garbhineem.
ప్రభాస, ప్రభవశ్శ్యామా
ప్రత్యూషో మరుత నల
దృవూ ధురా ధురశ్చైవ
వసవోష్టౌ ప్రకీర్తితా
ప్రగ్రహ్ణీత్వం బలిం చ ఇమం
నిత్యం రక్ష గర్భిణీమ్.
Oh Prabhasa, Oh Prabhava,
Oh Syama, Of Prathyusha,
~Oh Marutha, Oh Anala,
Oh Dhruva, Oh Dhuradhura,
Who are the eight sacred Vasus,
Please accept this sacred offering,
And be pleased to protect daily,
This lady who is in the family way.
Pithur devi, Pithusreshte,
Bahu puthri, maha bale,
Bhootha sreshte Nisa vase,
Nirvruthe, sounaka priye,
Pragrahneeshwa balim cha imam,
Sapathyam raksha garbhineem.
పితుర్ దేవీ పితుశ్రేష్టే
బహు పుత్రీ మహా బలే
భూత శ్రేష్టే, నిశావాసే
నిర్వృతే, శౌనక ప్రియే
ప్రగ్రహ్ణీష్వ బలిం చ ఇమం
సపత్యాం రక్ష గర్భిణీమ్.
Oh Goddess of my manes,
Oh Goddess who is greater than my manes,
~Oh Goddess who is very strong,
~Oh Goddess who is greater than all beings,
Oh Goddess who protects us at night,
~ Oh Goddess, who does not have any blemishes,
Oh Goddess who was worshipped by Sounaka,
Please accept this sacred offering,
And be pleased to protect,
This lady who is in the family way,
From all dangers.
Raksha Raksha Mahadeva,
Baktha anugraha Karaka,
Pakshi vahana Govinda,
Sapathyam raksha Garbhineem.
రక్ష రక్ష మహాదేవ,
పక్షి వాహన గోవిందా
సపత్యాం రక్ష గర్భిణీమ్.
Oh God who is greatest,
Be pleased to protect and protect,
Oh God who showers blessing on his devotees,
Oh Govinda, who rides on a bird,
Be pleased to protect,
This lady who is in the family way.,
From all dangers.
పై స్తోత్రమును ప్రతీ రోజూ పూజా మందిరంలో, అమ్మ వారికి కొంచెం పళ్ళు, పాలు లేదా ఏదైనా పదార్ధం నివేదన చేసి, ఈ గర్భరక్షా స్తోత్రం క్రింద తెలిపిన విధంగా చదువుకోవాలి.
How to recite Mantra:
Garbha Rakshambika Stotram Month Wise:
Daily sit in front of a photo of the Goddess with any small recite as follows:
During the second month read the first two slokas 108 times daily,
Dur~ing the third month read the first three slokas 108 times daily,
During the fourth month read the first four slokas 108 times daily,
During the fifth month read the first five slokas 108 times daily,
Dur~ing the sixth month read the first six slokas 108 times daily,
During the seventh month read the first seven slokas 108 times daily,
Dur~ing the eighth month read the first eight slokas 108 times daily,
During the ninth month read all the nine slokas 108 times daily,
Garbha rakshambika Mantram in sanskrit:
श्री गर्भ रक्षाअम्बिका स्तोत्रं
श्री माधवी काननस्ये गर्भ
रक्षांबिके पाही भक्ताम् स्थुवन्तम् । ( हर श्लोक के बाद्)
Sri Madhavi kananasye-Garbha,
Rakshambike pahi bhaktham sthuvantham.
(refrain-to be repeated after every sloka)
In the forest of sacred jasmine, devotees pray,
Protect us Oh protector of pregnancy
वापी तटे वाम भागे, वाम देवस्य देवी स्थिता त्वां,
मानया वारेन्या वादानया, पाही,
गर्भस्या जन्थुन तथा भक्ता लोकान . १
Vapi thate vama bhage, vama
Devasya devi sthidha thwam,
Manyaa varenyaa vadaanya, pahi,
Garbhasya janthun thadha bhaktha lokaan. 1
In the shore of the pond, you are,
Situated on the left side of the God,
Oh respected goddess, Oh giver of boons,
Oh Goddess who speaks with grace,
Protect all animals and devotees during pregnancy.
श्री गर्भ रक्षा पुरे या दिव्या,
सौंन्दर्या युक्ता ,सुमंगलया गात्री,
धात्री, जनीत्री जनानाम, दिव्या,
रुपाम ध्यार र्दाम मनोगनाम भजे तं . २
Sri Garbha raksha pure yaa, divya,
Soundarya yuktha, sumangalya gathri,
Dhathree, janithri janaanaam, divya,
Roopaam Dhayardraam manognaam bhaje thaam. 2
Oh Goddess of the town of protection of pregnancy,
Who is blessed with divine beauty, who carries a good mangalya
(The mangal Suthra-It could also mean a god with blessed form),
Who gives every one, who is the mother of all,
Who is pretty, who melts with mercy, I sing about you.
आषाढ मासे सुपुन्ये , शुक्र,
वारे सुगंन्धेना गंन्धेना लिप्ता,
दिव्याम्बरा कल्प वेशा वाजा,
पेयाधी याग्यस्या भक्तस्या सुद्रष्टा. ३
Aashada mase supunye, shukra,
Vaare sugandhena gandhena liptha,
Divyambaraa kalpa veshaa, vaja,
Peyadhi yagasya bhakthasya sudrushtaa. 3
In the month of Ashada(July-August of the Souramana Hindu calendar), on Fridays,
You are covered with scented sandal paste,
And dressed in divine cloths and offered,
By lucky devotees, the Vajapeya sacrifice.
कल्याण धात्रीं नमस्ये, वेदी,
कन्ग च स्त्रीया गर्भ रक्षा करीं त्वां,
बालै सदा सेवीथाअन्ग्रि, गर्भ
रक्षार्थ, माराधुपे थैयुपेथाम. ४
Kalyana dhathrim namasye, Vedi,
Kangcha Sthriyaa Garbha raksha kareem thwaam,
Baalai sada sevithaangri,Garbha
Rakshartha, maaraa dhupe thaiu pethaam. 4
I salute her who gives all that is good, who,
Protects Vedic pundits and pregnancy of women,
For she always protects children in pregnancies,
When the delivery time comes very near for them.
ब्रम्हऒत्सव विप्र विद्ययाम वाद्य
घोषेण तुष्टाम रथेना सन्निविष्टाम
सर्व अर्थ धात्रीं भजेअहम, देव
व्रुन्दैरा पीडायाम जगन मातरम त्वां .५
Brahmothsava vipra veedhyaam, Vaadhya,
Gosheena thushtaam radhena sannivishtaam,
Sarvartha dhatrim bhajeham, deva,
Vrundaira peedaayaam Jagan matharam thwam. 5
During the Brahmothsava,(Annual festival)along with sound of music,
Sitting on a chariot you go round the streets of Brahmins,
And I pray you,who is the giver of all that is good,
Who removes the problems of groups of gods,
And is the mother of the entire universe.
येतथ कृतम स्तोत्र रत्नम, दीक्षीथ
अनन्त रामेन देव्या तुष्टाच्यै.
नित्यम पाठयस्तु भक्तया ,पुत्रा पौत्रादि भाग्यं
भवे तस्या नित्यं ॥ . ६
Yethad krutham stotra rathnam, Deekshitha,
Anantha ramena devyaa thustachyai,
Nithyam padethyasthu bhakthya, puthra,
Pothradhi bhagyam Bhavethasya nithyam. 6
This jewel of prayer, composed by Anantha Rama Deekshithar,
For the sake of pleasing the goddess, If read daily with devotion,
Would lead to sons, grand sons and daily luck.
ईति श्री ब्रह्म श्री अनत रामा दीक्षीता विरचितम गर्भ रक्षाअम्बिका स्तोत्रं समपूर्णं॥
Ithi Brahma sri Anantharama Deekshitha virachitham
Garbha rakshambikaa stotram SAmpoornam
Praising the goddess Garbhaakshambika is several terms, this mantra asks for good children, health, wealth and prosperity in the family.
Also called as Garbarakshambika sloka, this mantra addresses the deity named as the one who protects the womb and the fetus. This mantra can help prevent abortion.
“Aum devendhiraani namosthubyam Dhevendhira piriya baamini
Vivaaha baakyam aarokyam puthra laabam sadhehime
Padhim dhehi sudham dhehi Soubaakyam dhehime subhe
Soumaangalyam subam Gnayanam Dhehime Garbarakshake”