Ashwatha Narayana Stotram

Ashwatha Narayana Sloka/Stotram for Health problems Visit
Ashwatha Narayana Sloka/Stotram for Health problems

Ashwatha Narayana Sloka/Stotram for Health problems

Among trees, the Aswatha is the most important. You can find aswatha tree almost in every Hindu temple. In most of the places, a murthy of God is consecrated below the tree, Most of the Naga or Sarpa Temples are constructed below this fig and banyan tree.

Padikshina or Go round of The Holy fig Tree or Peepal is allowed but touching the tree is not allowed on Sundays .

Ashwatha Narayana Sloka:

Moolatho brahma roopaya madhyatho visnu roopine,
Agratha Shiva roopaya, vruksha rajaya the nama. 1

ಮೂಲತೋ ಬ್ರಹ್ಮರೂಪಾಯ ಮಧ್ಯತೋ ವಿಷ್ಣುರೂಪಿಣೇ
ಅಗ್ರತಃ ಶಿವರೂಪಾಯ ಅಶ್ವತ್ಥಾಯ ನಮೋ ನಮಃ

Salutations to the king of trees,
Whose roots are Lord Brahma,
Whose stem is Lord Vishnu,
And whose crown is Lord Shiva.

Chant this mantra and do pradakshina to the tree feel that is Narayana swaroopam. Definitely you will see the result soon.

If you want you can chant complete stotra or 1st verse.

Ashwatha Narayana Stotram in English:

Moolatho Brahma roopaya, madhyatho Vishnu roopine,
Agratha Shiva roopaya Vruksha rajaya they nama., 1

My salutations to the king of trees.
Whose root is the form of Brahma,
Middle is the form of Lord Vishnu,
And top is the form of Lord Shiva.

Aswatha sarva papani satha janma arjithanicha,
Nudhaswa mama vrakshendra, sarva aiswarya pradho bhava., 2

The holy fig tree pushes away, all sins earned,
In several hundred births, and Oh king of trees,
Please grant me all different types of wealth.

Ayurbalam yaso varcha, praja pasu vasooni cha,
Brahma prajnam cha medham cha thwam nodehi Vanaspathe., 3

Would you not give me, Oh product of the forest.
Long life, fame, splendour, children, cattle and riches,
As also knowledge of God and intellectual wisdom.

Sathatham varuno raksheth thwamarad vrushtirasrayedh,
Parithasthwam nishevantham thrunani sukhamasthu they., 4

You are always protected by Varuna as you are rain dependent,
And you do not allow any grass to grow in the shade round you.

Akshi spandham bhujaspandham duswapnam dhurvichinthanam,
Sathroonam cha samuthanam hyaswastha samaya Prabho., 5

Oh Lord Aswatha, please control pain in the eye,
Pain of hands, bad dreams, bad and evil thoughts,
And help me in destruction of my enemies.

Aswathaya varenyaya sarva aiswarya pradhayine,
Namo duswapna nasaya, suswapna phala dhayine., 6

Oh Aswatha who blesses us and grants all type of wealth,
My salutations to you, who destroys bad dreams and grants good dreams.

Yaam drushtwa muchythe rogai,
Sprushtwa papapai pramuchyathe,
Yad ashrayath chiran jeevi,
Tham Aswatham namamyaham., 7

I salute that Aswatha,
Seeing which diseases flee,
Touching which sins are destroyed,
And surrendering to which,
You get long healthy life.

Aswatha sumaha bhaga, subhaga, Priya Darsana,
Ishta kamam cha may dehi shatrubhyascha parabhavam., 8

Oh great Lord Aswatha, who is pretty and looks pretty,
Please fulfill all my desires and give disappointment to my enemies.

Aayu prajam dhanam dhanyam soubhagyam sarva sampadam,
Dehi deva maha Vruksha, thwam aham saranam gatha., 9

I surrender fully to you and,
So be pleased to give, oh great tree,
Long life, sons, wealth, cereals,
Great luck all types of wealth.

Rig yaju sama manthrathma, sarva roopi, parathpara,
Aswatho Veda moolo asou rishibhi prochyathe sada., 10

Great sages go in search of Aswatha,
As it is the soul of Rig, Yajur and sama Vedas
And takes all forms, greater than the greatest,
And is the root of all the three Vedas.

Brahmaha guruha chaiva daridhro vyadhi peeditha,
Aavarthya laksha sankhyam tham sthothram yedath sukhee bhavth., 11

If this prayer is repeated one hundred thousand times,
Even those cursed by Brahma or the teacher,
And those who are poor and diseased,
Would get cured of all ills and lead a pleasant life.

Vyaktha avyaktha swaroopaya, srushti sthithyantha karine,
Adhi madhyanth soonyaya vishtarasravase nama., 12

Salutations to the very stable one,
Who has clear and unclear forms,
Who creates, looks after and destroys,
And who does not have beginning, middle and end.

Ravim rava vadharaogye,
Shivam some Shivaya cha,
Shakthim bhoume jayarthi cha,
Vanijyarthi budhe saran., 13

Gurou gurum cha Vidhyarthi,
Dhanarthi bhargave sriyam,
Sarva dukha vimoksharthee,
Sarvesam mandha vasare., 14

Sarvada sarva devam scha,
Viseshanmada somayo,
Aswatha roopino devan,
Vruksha rajo prapoojayeth., 15

Go round on Sundays and worshiping Sun to get heath,
Go round on Mondays and worshiping Shiva to get pleasant life,
Go round on Tuesdays and worshiping Parvathy ,to get victory,,
Go round on Wednesdays and worshiping devas, to get luck in business,
Go round on Thursdays and Worshiping Guru to get good knowledge,
Go round on Fridays and worshiping Goddess Lakshmi to get wealth,
Go round on Saturdays and worshiping the greatest god, to get rid of all sorrow.

Always all gods especially Saturn and the moon, Worship the God in the form of Aswatha, And offer prayers to this Lord of all trees.

Benefits of Ashwatha Narayana Stotram:
When should do pradakshina to the tree:

  • Do pradakshina on sundays with devotion chant the above stotra and worship Ashwatha Narayana and also sun god for health problems (like thyroid,eye problems,infertility,body pains any type of health problems) It gives good health, recovery from illness, auspicious and prosperity, and for the birth of healthy children in the family by married couples.Recovers from shani dosha.
  • Do pradakshina on Mondays and worshiping Shiva to get pleasant life.
  • Do pradakshina on Tuesdays and worshiping Parvathy ,to get victory.
  • Do pradakshina on Wednesdays and worshiping devas, to get luck in business.
  • Do pradakshina on Thursdays and Worshiping Guru to get good knowledge.
  • Do pradakshina on Fridays and worshiping Goddess Lakshmi to get wealth.
  • Do pradakshina on Saturdays and worshiping the greatest god, to get rid of all sorrow.

How many times we should chant?

One hundred thousand times

Ashwatha Narayana Stotram in Sanskrit /Devanagari:

श्रीनारद उवाच –
अनायासेन लोकोऽयम् सर्वान् कामानवाप्नुयात् ।
सर्वदेवात्मकं चैकं तन्मे ब्रूहि पितामह ॥ १॥

ब्रह्मोवाच –
श्रुणु देव मुनेऽश्वत्थं शुद्धं सर्वात्मकं तरुम् ।
यत्प्रदक्षिणतो लोकः सर्वान् कामान् समश्नुते ॥ २॥

अश्वत्थाद्दक्षिणे रुद्रः पश्चिमे विष्णुरास्थितः ।
ब्रह्मा चोत्तरदेशस्थः पूर्वेत्विन्द्रादिदेवताः ॥ ३॥

स्कन्धोपस्कन्धपत्रेषु गोविप्रमुनयस्तथा ।
मूलं वेदाः पयो यज्ञाः संस्थिता मुनिपुङ्गव ॥ ४॥

पूर्वादिदिक्षु संयाता नदीनदसरोऽब्धयः ।
तस्मात् सर्वप्रयत्नेन ह्यश्वत्थं संश्रयेद्बुधः ॥ ५॥

त्वं क्षीर्यफलकश्चैव शीतलस्य वनस्पते ।
त्वामाराध्य नरो विन्द्यादैहिकामुष्मिकं फलम् ॥ ६॥

चलद्दलाय वृक्षाय सर्वदाश्रितविष्णवे ।
बोधिसत्वाय देवाय ह्यश्वत्थाय नमो नमः ॥ ७॥

अश्वत्थ यस्मात् त्वयि वृक्षराज नारायणस्तिष्ठति सर्वकाले ।
अथः श्रुतस्त्वं सततं तरूणां धन्योऽसि चारिष्टविनाशकोऽसि ॥ ८॥

क्षीरदस्त्वं च येनेह येन श्रीस्त्वां निषेवते ।
सत्येन तेन वृक्षेन्द्र मामपि श्रीर्निषेवताम् ॥ ९॥

एकादशात्मरुद्रोऽसि वसुनाथशिरोमणिः ।
नारायणोऽसि देवानां वृक्षराजोऽसि पिप्पल ॥ १०॥

अग्निगर्भः शमीगर्भो देवगर्भः प्रजापतिः ।
हिरण्यगर्भो भूगर्भो यज्ञगर्भो नमोऽस्तु ते ॥ ११॥

आयुर्बलं यशो वर्चः प्रजाः पशुवसूनि च ।
ब्रह्म प्रज्ञां च मेधां च त्वं नो देहि वनस्पते ॥ १२॥

सततं वरुणो रक्षेत् त्वामाराद्दृष्टिराश्रयेत् ।
परितस्त्वां निषेवन्तां तृणानि सुखमस्तु ते ॥ १३॥

अक्षिस्पन्दं भुजस्पन्दं दुःस्वप्नं दुर्विचिन्तनम् ।
शत्रूणां च समुत्थानं ह्यश्वत्थ शमय प्रभो ॥ १४॥

अश्वत्थाय वरेण्याय सर्वैश्वर्य प्रदायिने ।
नमो दुःस्वप्ननाशाय सुस्वप्नफलदायिने ॥ १५॥

मूलतो ब्रह्मरूपाय मध्यतो विष्णु रूपिणे ।
अग्रतः शिवरूपाय वृक्षराजाय ते नमः ॥ १६॥

यं दृष्ट्वा मुच्यते रोगैः स्पृष्ट्वा पापैः प्रमुच्यते ।
यदाश्रयाच्चिरञ्जीवी तमश्वत्थं नमाम्यहम् ॥ १७॥

अश्वत्थ सुमहाभाग सुभग प्रियदर्शन ।
इष्टकामांश्च मे देहि शत्रुभ्यस्तु पराभवम् ॥ १८॥

आयुः प्रजां धनं धान्यं सौभाग्यं सर्वसम्पदम् ।
देहि देव महावृक्ष त्वामहं शरणं गतः ॥ १९॥

ऋग्यजुःसाममन्त्रात्मा सर्वरूपी परात्परः ।
अश्वत्थो वेदमूलोऽसावृषिभिः प्रोच्यते सदा ॥ २०॥

ब्रह्महा गुरुहा चैव दरिद्रो व्याधिपीडितः ।
आवृत्य लक्षसङ्ख्यं तत् स्तोत्रमेतत् सुखी भवेत् ॥ २१॥

ब्रह्मचारी हविष्याशी त्वदःशायी जितेन्द्रियः ।
पपोपहतचित्तोऽपि व्रतमेतत् समाचरेत् ॥ २२॥

एकाहस्तं द्विहस्तं वा कुर्याद्गोमयलेपनम् ।
अर्चेत् पुरुषसूक्तेन प्रणवेन विशेषतः ॥ २३॥

मौनी प्रदक्षिणं कुर्यात् प्रागुक्तफलभाग्भवेत् ।
विष्णोर्नामसहस्रेण ह्यच्युतस्यापि कीर्तनात् ॥ २४॥

पदे पदान्तरं गत्वा करचेष्टाविवर्जितः ।
वाचा स्तोत्रं मनो ध्याने चतुरङ्गं प्रदक्षिणम् ॥ २५॥

अश्वत्थः स्थापितो येन तत्कुलं स्थापितं ततः ।
धनायुषां समृद्धिस्तु नरकात् तारयेत् पितृन् ॥ २६॥

अश्वत्थमूलमाश्रित्य शाकान्नोदकदानतः ।
एकस्मिन् भोजिते विप्रे कोटिब्राह्मणभोजनम् ॥ २७॥

अश्वत्थमूलमाश्रित्य जपहोमसुरार्चनात् ।
अक्षयं फलमाप्नोति ब्रह्मणो वचनं यथा ॥ २८॥

एवमाश्वासितोऽश्वत्थः सदाश्वासाय कल्पते ।
यज्ञार्थं छेदितेऽश्वत्थे ह्यक्षयं स्वर्गमाप्नुयात् ॥ २९॥

छिन्नो येन वृथाऽश्वत्थश्छेदिता पितृदेवताः ।
अश्वत्थः पूजितो यत्र पूजिताः सर्वदेवताः ॥ ३०॥

॥ इति अश्वत्थ स्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥