Authentic Devi Khadgamala Stotram

Authentic Devi Khadgamala Stotram Given by Sringeri Peetham

Naarayana samaarambhaam Vyaasa sankara madhyamaam
jnanandanadha paryantaam vande guru paramparaami

Sringeree sri viruupaaksha peethaadheesam jagadgurum
Sri Vidya desikam vande kalyananda bharateemí

Vaageesaadyaaha sumanasaha sarvaardhaanaa mupakrame
Em nathvah krita krithyah stuthvam namaamiGajaananami

Brahma vishnucha rudracha eeshvaracha sadasivah
Eteh panchakhurah proktha phalakasthu sadaasivah.

Tashyopari mahaadevoh bhuvaneesho viraajiteh
Yah devi nijaleelardham dwidaabhoota babhoovahi -Devi bhagavatam.

Satyam gnaanam anantam brahmah -Tithareeya Upanishad.

Sri vidya is one of these Dasa maha vidyas and her form is identified with Lalita,Raja-rajeswari, Kamesvari and Bala

The geometric representation of Srividya is called as Sricakra

Authentic Devi Khadgamala visit
Authentic Devi Khadgamala

Sri Chakra Repents:

Sri Chakra is verily the body of the mother goddess, who resides as energy in the universe and as pure consciousness in the individual. The nine enclosures symbolize in a graded series the significance of the universal and individual the ideological and ritual; expressive and contemplative; and the in inner and outer aspects of Sri Chakra.

In this Sri Chakra Yantra is regarded the supreme Yantra, the Yantra Raja, the king of Yantras. It is the Yantra of the Shaktha school of Tantra. It is also variously regarded as the visual representation of the city, mansion, island or the body of the mother goddess Devi, Tripurasundari, Lalitha, Rajarajeshwari and Parabhattarika, the supreme controller. The design also stands for this divinity’s court with all her attendant aids, guards, pavililions, enclosures and entrances. The principal divinity is regarded as being at the center, the Bindu of the chakra.

No. Chakra Corresponding to part of human body:

01 BhupuraFirst line: feet; Second line: knees; and third line :thighs Triple girdle Mid portion of the body

02Shoidasha-dalapadma Region below navel and up to penis region ;


03 Ashta-dala padma Navel region –nabhi

04 Chaturdasha Abdominal region-kukshi

05 Bahir -dasha Neck-kantha

06 Antar-dasha Region between eye brows-bhru-madhya

07 Ashtara Forehead-lalata

08 Trikona Top of the head-masthaka

09 BinduOpening on the crown of the head leading to SahasraDala padma ( Brahma randra)

The nine avaranas are again recognized as chakras said to be situated along the central channel or the Shushumna nadi.

No.    Avarana in Sri Chakra Nadi-chakra:

01 Bhupura Muladhara

02 Shoidasha dala padma Svadhistana

03 Ashta-dala padma Manipua

04 Chaturdasha Anahatha

05 Bahir _dasha Vishuddha

06 Antar-dasha Ajna

07 Ashtara Manasa-chakra

08 Trikona Soma-chakra

09 Bindu Sahasra 

What is Devi Khadgamala Stotram:

In sri chakram there are 9 enclosures in it. Khadgamala stotram explains all devatas present in these 9 will attain perfection if you could meditate on devatas in each enclosure sequentially and proceed unit Bindu(Center point).And if you sit straight you would look like a pyramid.That is sri chakra.

The nine enclosures or navavaranas have characteristic forms, names, meanings, symbolism and correspondences with the aspects of human body.

1.The central dimensionless point (Bindu) represents the transcendental aspect of the mother goddess. This point is really the sri-chakra and everything else is only a manifestation of aspects

there off. The point is identified with the omnipotent, omnipresent, Sri Rajarajeswari, Sri Lalita

parabhattarika, Paraambika. Parameshwari is the presiding deity of Srichakra. This is known

as sarvananda-maya chakra

2. The primary triangle with its apex downward immediately around the bindu. This does not

intersect with any other triangle and stands independent in structure. This triangle is feminine in

character and represents three fundamental manifestations of the mother goddess Kamesvari

(presiding over kamarupa-peetha, symbolising the moon and creation), Vajresvari (presiding

over poornagiri-peetha, symbolising the sun and preservation) and Bhagamalini (presiding over

jaladhara-peetha, sybolising fire and dissolution). The three corners stand for the three kuta of the fifteen lettered mantra-pancadasi. The triangle is regarded as the abode of mother goddess (kamakala).This is known as sarva-siddhi-prada chakra.

3. The figure with eight-corners (ashta-kona) surrounding the inner triangle consisting of eight triangles. This is called sarva-roga-hara chakra.

4.Antar-dasara, the figure of ten angles surrounding the ashta-kona. This is sarva-raksha-kara chakra.

5. Another figure of ten angles called bahir-dasara surrounding the above antar-dasara. This is sarvartha-sadhaka chakra.

6. The figure of fourteen angles or fourteen triangles called chatur-dasara, surrounding the above bahir-dasara, Sarva-sowbhagya-dayaka chakra.

7. The eight petalled lotus, ashta-dala-padma enclosing all the above six aavaranas. Sarvasamkhobhana chakra.

8.Shodasa-dala-padma, the sixteen petalled lotus surrounding the ashta-dala-padma,Sarvasapari-puraka chakra.

9.Bhupura, the square field in which all the above are positioned. The bhupura is bound by three ramparts. Trilokya mohana chakra.

Devi Khadgamala Stotram for Chanting- Devi Khadgamala Stotram Sringeri:

Om aim hreem shreem aim kleem sauh
Om namastripurasundari

hridayadevi, shirodevi, shikhaadevi, kavachadevi,netradevi,astradevi

kaameshvari, bhagamaalini, nityaklinne, bherund’e,
vahnivaasini,mahaavajreshvari, shivadooti, tvarite, kulasundari,
nitye,neelapataake, vijaye, sarvamangale, jvaalaamaalini, vichitre,srividye

dakshinamurti mayi,naaraayana mayi,bhramma mayi, sanaka mayi,sanandana
mayi,sanaatana mayi,sanatkumaara mayi,sanatsujaata mayi,vashita mayi,shakti
mayi,paraashara mayi,krsnadvaipaayana mayi,paila mayi,vaishampaayana
mayi,jaimini mayi,sumantu mayi,shrisuka mayi,goudapaada mayi,govinda
mayi,shrividyaashankara mayi, padmapaada mayi, hastaamalaka mayi,trotaka
mayi,suresvara mayi,vidyaaranya mayi,paramestiguru shri
_________mayi, paramaguru shri _____mayi, swaguru shri

trailokyamohana chakrasvaamini, prakatayogini –

animaasiddhe, laghimaasiddhe, mahimaasiddhe,eeshitvasiddhe, vashitvasiddhe,
praakaamyasiddhe, bhuktisiddhe,ichchhaasiddhe, praaptisiddhe, sarvakaamasiddhe, braahmi,maaheshvari, kaumaari, vaishnavi, vaaraahi, maahendri, chaamunde,mahaalakshmi, sarvasankshobhini,sarvavidraavini,sarvaakarshini,sarvavashankari, sarvonmaadini, sarvamahaankushe, sarvakhechari, sarvabeeje, sarvayone, sarvatrikhande – tripure

sarvaashaaparipoorakachakrasvaamini guptayogini –

kaamaakarshini, buddhyaakarshini, ahankaaraakarshini,shabdaakarshini,sparshaakarshini, roopaakarshini, rasaakarshini,gandhaakarshini,chittaakarshini, dhairyaakarshini, smri’tyaakarshini,
naamaakarshini, beejaakarshini, aatmaakarshini, amri’taakarshini,shareeraakarshini – tripureshi

sarvasankshobhanachakrasvaamini guptatarayogini –

anangakusume, anangamekhale, anangamadane, anangamadanaature,
anangarekhe, anangavegini, anangaankushe, anangamaalini –tripurasundari

sarvasaubhaagyadaayakachakrasvaamini, sampradaayayogini-

sarvasankshobhini, sarvavidraavini, sarvaakarshini, sarvahlaadini,sarvasammohini, sarvastambhini, sarvajrumbhini, sarvavashankari, sarvaranjani, sarvonmaadini, sarvaarthasaadhini, sarvasampattipoorini, sarvamantramayi,
sarvadvandvakshayankari –tripuravasini

sarvaarthasaadhakachakrasvaamini kulayogini –

sarvasiddhiprade, sarvasampatprade, sarvapriyankari, sarvamangalakaarini, sarvakaamaprade, sarvaduh’khavimochani, sarvamri’tyuprashamani,sarvavighnanivaarini, sarvaangasundari, sarvasaubhaagyadaayini –tripuraashree

sarvarakshaakarachakrasvaamini nigarbhayogini –
sarvajnye, sarvashakte, sarvaishvaryapradaayini, sarvajnyaanamayi,sarvavyaadhivinaashini, sarvaadhaarasvaroope, sarvapaapahare,sarvaanandamayee, sarvarakshaasvaroopini, sarvepsitaphalaprade – tripuramaalini

sarvarogaharachakraswamini rahasyayogini –

vashini,kaameshvari,modini,vimale,arune,jayini,sarveshvari,kaulini – tripuraasiddhe

sarvasiddhipradachakraswamini  atirahasyayogini-baanini,chaapini,paashini,ankushini,mahaakaameshvari,mahaavajreshvari,mahaabhagamaalini – tripuraambike

sarvaanandamayachakrasvaamini paraaparaa rahasyayogini –

mahaa mahaa kaameshvari, mahaa shreechakranagarasaamraajnyi, mahaa raajaraajeswari prataapa bhaarathi parabhrammaswaruupini
namaste namaste namaste namah – sauh kleem aim shreem hreem aim


Guru paramra in the blanks you should read paramestiguru shri__Name_______mayi, paramaguru shri ___Name__mayi, swaguru shri __Name__mayi

ఓం ఐం హ్రీం శ్రీం ఐం క్లీం సౌః

ఓం నమౌః త్రిపుర సుందరి

Hidden Secrets behind Khadgamala Mantras:

How to read Khadgamala stotram:

1.Om namastripurasundari (Why tripura sundari instead of Lalitha parameshwari or something else?))

The reason is there are three puras inside us or human body.and also tripuraasuras also inside us.that means  goddess will remove impurities from the three puras and fill them with positive living energy( chaitanyam or soundaryam-sundari).This is the reason we started with the tripura sundari and nothing else.

Anganyasa Deities in Sri Chakra visit
Anganyasa Deities in Sri Chakra

Next we have to do anganyasa , Anganyasa Mantras are hridayadevi, shirodevi, shikhaadevi,kavachadevi, netradevi, astradevi these six names related to anganyasa. These are encapsulated in khadgamala stotram. No,need to separately Anganyasams just read this stotra.

After anganyasa we have to recite Nithya Devathas. Nithya devathas are 16, Nithya Devathas Mantras are kaameshvari, bhagamaalini, nityaklinne, bherund’e,vahnivaasini,mahaavajreshvari, shivadooti, tvarite, kulasundari, nitye,neelapataake, vijaye, sarvamangale, jvaalaamaalini, vichitre,srividye.In this deities first 15 are thithi nitaya devatas. 16th one is shosdashi (lalitha parameshwari or parameshwarah). These are amazing divine powers.

Lets see structure of deities located(where all these deities located) in are sri chakra. there is a triangle around it imagine a square around the triangle. The anganayas devathas reside at the corners of the square.there is one deity in Bindu and one deity is revolves around it.

The thithi Nithya deities are reside on the edges of the triangle 15 deities are on each edge and in the center there is shodashi(Sri vidya/Lalitha parameshwari).In the triangle vertices we have deities as  mahaakaameshvari, mahaavajreshvari, mahaabhagamaalini.

In the traditional Khadgamala stotram that is available in all books,you will see mitreshamayi, shashtisahmayi, uddishamayi, charyanathamayi,lopamudramayi like this ending with sri Ramanandamayi.

Coming to this shankaracharya sri vidaya tradition, this stotram came in one guru parampara. There are three guru mandalas called Divyaugha(Devatahas/Deities guru mandal ),Siddhauga(sidda guru mandal),Manavaugha (manava guru mandal).All these gurus in the mandals are mentioned in this khadgamalastotram.From this khadgamal we got sri vidya.

Guru Mandala that is called guru parampara. First guru(Moola guru) is Dakshinamurthi.From Dakshinamurthy passed to narayanudu and bhramha .From bhramha passed to bhramha manasa putrulusanthkumarulu,sankasujatha,from sanksujatha paased to vashishta, from vashishta  passed to his sons shakthi and parashara after passed to krishnadwaipayana(Vyasa). From vyasa maharshi passed to his pupils pailudu,vaishampayana,Jaimini,sumanthu and passed to vyasa mahrshi son sri shuka maharshi after passed to Goudapaadacharya,Govinda bhagavathpada and shankaracharya. After passed to shankaracharya pupils padmapadacharaya, hastamalaka, trotaka,sureshwara. After it came to sringeri peethadhipathi Vidyaranya Swami( Period of Reign 1380 – 1386). 

(the great Acharya Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada, four stand out prominent. Each one of them was unrivaled in his own way: Padmapada for intense devotion, Totaka for exemplary service, Hastamalaka for supreme self-realization and Sureshwara for deep learning.)

It is well-known that Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankaracharya established four Maths in the four corners of India for the sustenance and propagation of Sanatana Dharma in the country. Each of these Amnaya Peethams had their divinities, tirthas, sampradaya, so on all of the details of which are given below.

The four disciples of Sri Adi Shankaracharya were later on installed as Acharyas of the four Maths by Sri Adi Shankaracharya himself as follows.

Sri Hastamalakacharya as the Acharya of the Govardhana Math in the East.

Sri Sureshwaracharya as the Acharya of Sringeri Sharada Peetham in the South.

S~ri Padmapadacharya as the Acharya of the Dwaraka Math in the West.

Sri Totakacharya as the Acharya of Jyotir Math in the North.

In this shankracharya tradition specialty is to remember guru parampara starting from Dakshina Murty until shankaracharya and vidyaranya swami and till our gurus.

Here kadgamala divided into eleven divisions.1st verse is anganayasa 2nd verse is thithi Nitya devathas 3rd is guru mandal. And 9 enclosures related to Goddesses.This is proper structure of this sri chakra (kadgamala stotram). Each enclosure is called one chakra. Each chakra has one yogini ganam(that means all the deities in that chakra combined together are called yogini.). And also there is one chakreshwari for each chakra. So there are 9 yoginis and 9 Chakreshwaries.

In actual sri vidya tradition when you are entering into chakram you have to first tell the name of chakram do namaskars to yogini ganam. Only then you have to enter inside chakram in meditation.And while exiting from that chakra you have to do namaskarams to chakreshwari and only enter into another chakram.

This is the proper way to reciting this khadgamala stotram. But in Books we find all deities being mentioned first followed by chakra name and yogini ganama. And chakreshwari name doesn’t even appear in  in most of the books.We should never do khadgamala without saying chakreshwari name .That’s why in this tradition it is being corrected at 9 places.

What represents Sri Chakram and Benefits of Sri Chakram(Sri Yantra):

This first Avarana trailokyamohana chakram (the point that attracts the three Lokas ):

Sri Chakra Bhupura Dities Placement visit
Sri Chakra Bhupura Dities Placement

Devi Khadgamala Pooja Vidhanam:

In sri chakra first we have three squares these three squares are called three bhupuras. that are 1st bhupura,2nd bhupura,3rd bhupura.

Chakram Name-trailokyamohana chakram, Yogini-prakatayogini ,Deity of chakra: tripure

This is also known as Trailokya Mohana Chakram, the point that attracts the three Lokas (places) the physical, astral and the celestial. Bhupur is the seat of the Yantra, the dwelling place of Shakti(power), representing the grass material phenomenon in which Shakti dwells as long as cycle of creation and preservation’s lasts.

1st Bhupura(Siddas): 

1st bhupura we have 10 deities those are siddas(Siddi devathas) in this list we dont have garima siddi devta. Garima siddi is present in Ashta siddis not present in khadgamala goddesses.It very important to meditate on the right spots where these devathas reside sequentially in bhupura. Dieties are animaasiddhe, laghimaasiddhe, mahimaasiddhe,eeshitvasiddhe, vashitvasiddhe, praakaamyasiddhe, bhuktisiddhe,ichchhaasiddhe, praaptisiddhe,sarvakaamasiddhe.

2nd Bhupura (Ashta Matrukas):

In 2nd bhupura we have 8 goddesses these dities are braahmi,maaheshvari, kaumaari, vaishnavi, vaaraahi, maahendri, chaamunde,mahaalakshmi called ashta matrukas. we have sapta matrukas braahmi(bramha’s power),maaheshvari(maheshwara’s power), kaumaari(kumaraswamy’s power), vaishnavi(vishnu’ power), vaaraahi(varahaswamy’s power),maahendri, chaamunde 8th one joined as ashta matruka that is Mahalakshmi.

3rd Bhupura (Mudra devatas):

In 3rd bhupura we have 10 mudhra deities.these deities are create (sankshobha dieties) movements and life thoughts in us. Dieties are sarvasankshobhini, sarvavidraavini, sarvaakarshini,sarvavashankari, sarvonmaadini, sarvamahaankushe,sarvakhechari,sarvabeeje, sarvayone, sarvatrikhand’e 

While coming out side you should do namaskarams to Chakreshwari who is  here tripure (thats why Namaskarams to tripure).

(In this shankaracharya tradition we don’t have 3 more circles inside 3 bhupuras and 16 petals lotus.we can directly go to shodashadala padma in second enclosure.)

Second enclosure (Avarana) is Sarvashaparipuraka chakra( the point of fulfilling all our hopes and desires):

Sri Chakra 2nd enclosure Shodasha Dala Deities Placing visit
Sri Chakra 2nd enclosure Shodasha Dala Deities Placing

Chakra-sarvaashaaparipoorakachakra, yogini-guptayogini, Deity of chakra:  tripureshi

This is shodasha dala padma(16 petals lotus).This is the point of fulfilling all our hopes and desires, of materializing all kinds of expectations. It is the final wish fulfilling Chakra. In this 16 petals lotus, in each petal placed one deity note positions of deities so,that you can easily do meditate.While entering into this enclosure we do namaskaram saying like Sarvasha paripuraka chakra swamini ,in yoginies we have here gupta yogini after that read all 16 names of deities  kaamaakarshini, buddhyaakarshini, ahankaaraakarshini, shabdaakarshini,sparshaakarshini, roopaakarshini, rasaakarshini, gandhaakarshini,chittaakarshini, dhairyaakarshini, smri’tyaakarshini, naamaakarshini, beejaakarshini, aatmaakarshini, amri’taakarshini, shareeraakarshin. These deities are gupta yoginis (that means secretly hidden) in humans also secretly hidden these deities.If you observe there names  buddhyaakarshini, ahankaaraakarshini,shabdaakarshini, parshaakarshini, roopaakarshini, rasaakarshini, gandhaakarshin like.

Buddhyaakarshini name- this means the goddess who develops good thinking and throws bad from us. 

Shabdaakarshini– this means the goddess who attracts sound inside us this will helps with the pople who have hearing disabilities.

Similarly sparshkarshini– means power of touch to the skin, Roopakarshini– Means power of the eyes to see something. 

Rasaakarshini-means power of the tongue to taste something.  

Gandhaakarshini-means power of the Nose to smell something.  

like this we have all 16 yogini deities in 16 petals in each.Each name has some special unique power we have.In case if you don’t have some power just do meditate related to that missing power is pleased  and she will bless you with that power.

After while coming out side we should  do namaskarams to Chakreshwari who is  here tripureshi (thats why Namaskarams to tripureshi).

Third enclosure Sarva Sankshobhana chakra( Ashtadal):

Chakra-sarvasankshobhanachakra ,Yogini-guptatarayogini,Deity of chakra: tripurasundari

This is Ashtadala padma 8 petals lotus.It is called Srava Sankshobhana chakra.Yogini is called gupta tara yogini.Chakreshwari’s name is called Tripura thats why we say sarva sankshobhana chakrasvaamini guptatarayogini while entering into this enclosure.In this Ashtadala padma we have 8 goddesses who resides in those 8 petals,like above ashtadala padmam 16 petaled lotus.

These deities are not present in the same order.Here mentioned their positions. These deities are powers of main deity(Moola ammavaru) Lalitha parameshwari, those are her whip(pasham),elephant’s goad (ankusham),bow and her five arrows. Deities names are anangakusume, anangamekhale, anangamadane, anangamadanaature,anangarekhe, anangavegini, anangaankushe, anangamaalini.

All these 8 powers are present in this enclosure. These powers are representation of 8 stages of sat sankalpa(that is good determination) which is in our heart and also helps us to solve martial problems and gives us blessings of divine powers.

After while coming out side we should  do namaskarams to Chakreshwari who is  here tripurasundari (thats why Namaskarams to tripurasundari).

4th enclosure Srava Soubhagyadayaka chakra(Chaturdashar):

Sri Chakra 4th enclosure deities Placing  visiting
Sri Chakra 4th enclosure deities Placing

Chakra-sarvasaubhaagyadaayakachakra, Yogini-sampradaayayogini , Deity of chakra: tripuravasini

This is triangular chakra called as chaturdashara chakram. SarvaSaubhagyadayaka Chakra. This means the divine grace, which allows us to take control of our destiny or fortune. In this chakram we have 14 triangles in this triangles we have 14 unique divine powers. This is called sarvasaubhaagyadaayaka chakra, Yogini is called sampradaayayogini. Chakreshwari’s name is called tripuravasini.

From this enclosure (chakra )on wards we have triangular chakras only.Those 14 different deities names are sarvasankshobhini, sarvavidraavini, sarvaakarshini, sarvahlaadini, sarvasammohini, sarvastambhini, sarvajrumbhini,sarvavashankari, sarvaranjani, sarvonmaadini, sarvaarthasaadhini, sarvasampattipoorini, sarvamantramayi,sarvadvandvakshayankari. 

These divine powers would make nature conducive to us by their blessings .These deities synchronize nature and us. Also,there are divine powers who would check people who plan to attack us.That’s why khadgamala works amazingly.we should do namaskarams to guru shankaracharya, Vidyaranya swami and  kalyananda bharati swami.They blessed with us this amazing mantra.

After while coming out side we should  do namaskarams to Chakreshwari who is  here tripuravasini  (thats why Namaskarams to tripuravasini).

5th enclosure Sarvaarthasaadhaka chakra(the point of realization of all desires):

Sri Chakra 5th enclosure deities Placing 
Sri Chakra 5th enclosure deities Placing

Chakra-sarvaarthasaadhakachakra, Yogini-kulayogini, Deity of chakra: tripuraashree

This is another triangular chakra we called it as bhairdashara chakram. In this chakra we ten triangles in this triangles we have ten unique divine powers.This is called sarvaarthasaadhakachakra, yogini is kulayogini. Chakreshwari’s name is called is tripuraa shree.

The mind works through ten Indriyas (five organs of action and five organ of senses). The sense organs make the outside world meaningful and the organs of the action provide the skill to obtain the objects of desire and satisfy the senses. 

Ten divine powers are sarvasiddhiprade, sarvasampatprade,sarvapriyankari,sarvamangalakaarini, sarvakaamaprade,sarvaduh’khavimochani,sarvamri’tyuprashamani,sarvavighnanivaarini, sarvaangasundari, sarvasaubhaagyadaayini. They are responsible with providing their respective siddhis to the worshipers. They have a clear complection, and armed with Parasu (Axe), Paasam (Rope), and Ghantamani (Bell). These shaktis are collectively known as Kulottirna Yoginis. The mudradevi of the Sarvaarthasaadhaka Chakram is Sarvonmadini.

These deities are helps us to curing diseases,removing financial problems.And regulates the ten Pranaas or life forces in human organism..This Chakra gives one the power to realize what one wants whatever gives meaning to one’s life. It removes all impediments to pursue wealth or Artha in this life.

After while coming out side we should  do namaskarams to Chakreshwari who is  here tripuraashree  (thats why Namaskarams to tripuraashree).

6th enclosure Sarvarakshaakarachakra(the all-round protector):

Sri Chakra 6th enclosure deities Placing visit
Sri Chakra 6th enclosure deities Placing

Chakra-sarvarakshaakarachakra,Yogini- nigarbhayogini, Deity of chakra: tripuramaalini

The group of ten inner triangles, theAntardashaaram is known as SarvaRakshaakara Chakra. Protection is achieved not only from the outside but also from within that means through inner discipline. Yogini ganam is called Nigarbha yoginis.Chakreshwari name is Tripura maalini.

The ten triangles represent all the five organs of action (karmendriyas) and the five organs of sense(jnanendriyas), known as the Indiryas. By controlling these ten Indriyas one creates an inner protective shield from all external stimuli. Within the ten triangles, are seated the ten Yonis, representing the ten body fires or functions. 

The deities on this chakra are Sarvajna, Sarvasakti, Sarvaishvaryaprada, Sarvajnanamayi, Sarvavyadhivinasini, Sarvaadharaswarupa, Sarvapaapahara, Sarvanandamayi, Sarvarakshaswaroopni, and Sarepsitaphalaprada. 

These divine powers  have four hands in which they all have Lightning, Spear, Mace and Chakra as weapons. They are very fair in colour and brilliance. They are commonly called Nigarbha Yoginis and the Mudradevi of this chakra is Sarvamahaamkusa.

By the blessings of these divine powers no one can do anything against us,be it action for spoiling some good work or bad determination or attacks. their plans and actions would attack them in return.They would learn lesson they would never do anything against u out of fear.this divine powers gives all those.

After while coming out side we should  do namaskarams to Chakreshwari who is  here tripuramaalini  (thats why Namaskarams to tripuramaalini ).

7th enclosure sarvarogaharachakra(destroyer of all disease) :

Sri Chakra 7th enclosure deities Placing 
Sri Chakra 7th enclosure deities Placing

Chakra- sarvarogaharachakra, Yogini- rahasyayogini , Deity of chakra: tripuraasiddhe

This chakra is Known as Ashtar(Ashtakonam) is the group of eight triangles, is also known as Sarva Rogahara Chakra which means destroyer of all disease or disturbance of ease.The 8 triangles, in fact symbolize the 8 implements or weapons held by Kameshwar and Kameshwari to destroy all diseases.

These are 8 deities are called as vasinyadi vagdevatas. These eight Vagdevatas are also worshiped through the eight slokas of Soundarya Lahari. These deities are lalitha parameshwari vagdevatha powers.  Names of these deities are vashini,kaameshvari, modini, vimale, arune, jayini, sarveshvari, kaulini.

In this chara, chakra name is sarvarogaharachakra ,Yogini is rahasyayogini and chakreshwari is tripuraasiddhe.

These 8 deities helps us to curing any type of diseases.In telugu akshara mala or in sanskrit akshara mala we have 52 letters divided into 8 ganas. Each gana represents unique deity power of vagdevathas. each letter have separate devatha shakthi(power of deity).

These eight Vagdevataas are bright with colour of Ashoka Flowers, and have in their four hands Bow, Arrows, Book and Veena. the Theydevataas are also theauthor of They are collectively called Rahasya Yoginis. Tripuraasiddha is the Keeper of this Chakra and its Mudradevi is Sarvakhechari.

After while coming out side we should  do namaskarams to Chakreshwari who is  here tripuraasiddhe  (thats why Namaskarams to tripuraasiddhe ).

8th enclosure sarvasiddhiprada chakra(point of eternal enlightenment and powers):

Sri Chakra 8th enclosure deities Placing 
Sri Chakra 8th enclosure deities Placing

Chakra-sarvasiddhipradachakra, Yogini-atirahasyayogini, Deity of chakra: tripuraambike

This chakra is known as Trikona is also known as the Sarva Siddhiprada Chakra which means the point of eternal enlightenment and powers. It is the main triangle where the Bindu is located.

Here we have deities in two group is mahaakaameshvari, mahaavajreshvari, mahaabhagamaalini these are deities located at triangle vertices. and  another group is baanini,chaapini, paashini, ankushini located at an imaginary square.In this enclosure we have thithi nithya deities also.(on the triangle edges in starting we have chanted).

mahaakaameshvari, mahaavajreshvari, mahaabhagamaalini are manifest the three Gunas or characteristics of all living beings. (Sattva, Rajash, Tamash). The Trikona is also seen as a Yoni (female genital organ), the primordial self with all three Gunas. These three Gunas, namely, Jagriti (the waking state), Swapna (the dream state), and Sushupti (the state of deep slumber), represent the three states of consciousness: They have, as weapons Bow, Arrows, Alcoholic beverage, pomegranate fruit, Sword, Shield, Naagapasa (Rope of Snakes) and Ghantamani (Bell) in their eight hands They are collectively called Atirahasya Yoginis. The ruler of this Chakra is Tripurambika and the Mudradevi is Sarvabija. Meditation on Trikona helps one to exercise the powers of consciousness.

In this chakra, chakra name is sarvasiddhipradachakra,Yogini is atirahasyayogini and chakreshwari is tripuraambike.

After while coming out side we should  do namaskarams to Chakreshwari who is  here tripuraambike (thats why Namaskarams to tripuraambike ).

9th enclosure sarvaanandamaya chakra(the point of all-encompassing bliss):

Sri Chakra 9th enclosure deities Placing visit
Sri Chakra 9th enclosure deities Placing

Chakra- sarvaanandamayachakra,  Yogini- paraaparaa rahasyayogini ,Deity of chakra: Mha maha kameshwari

9th enclosure is Bidu (main diety lalitha parameshwari and parameshwara) moksha stiti (stage).this chakra name is sarvaanandamayachakra, Yogini name is paraaparaa rahasyayogini and chakreshwari is Maha maha kameshwari.

The point inside the central triangle and the center of the Yantra is also known as the Sarva Anandamaya Chakra, which means the point of all-encompassing bliss. The point is the seed of the entire universe, the supreme consciousness and is beyond time and space.

At this point, Mahakaameshwar (the lord of Kama or Desire) and the mother of entire universe Kameshwari (the Energy of the desire for the final union) remain ever united. The final act of meditation is to concentrate on the Bindu, the symbol of eternal union of Lord Shiva and his consort, Parvati, the symbol of shakti (power/energy).

Benefits of  Devi Khadgamala Stotram(Sri Yantra)-Devi Khadgamala Stotram Miracles:

Sri Devi/Sri vidya/Maha nithya refers to Shakti, the divine mother, Khadaga means sword, Mala refers to garland and Stotram means a hymn or song of praise. So, the Khadagmala Stotram is a hymn to the divine mother which is said to bestow a garland of swords upon those who recite it. we have explained in the above in detail in hidden secrets of Sri chakra/Khadgamala storam.

The Khadagmala Stotram takes us mentally through the Sri Chakra; i.e. the mystical geometric representation of the Transcendental Supreme Goddess. This Yantra consists of nine enclosures each more secret and esoteric than the one before it surrounding a central point, or Bindu, in which Devi, the Supreme Goddess (here in Her erotic form as Kameshwari) is joined in coitus with her consort i.e., Siva in His erotic form as Kameshwara.

The Sword bestowed upon those who recite the Khadagmala Stotram symbolizes the power (Energy) that enables us to transcend attachment, facilitating Self-Realization and leading us to the four principal aims of life namely, dharma, artha, kaama, and moksha.

Most asked FAQs:

Is there any specific procedure for chanting Sri Devi Khadgamala?

A)Khadgamala Stotram is not a Stotra but a mantra, a Mala mantra. The popular version, now being broadcast-ed without discrimination, is called Shuddha Shakti Sambudhyanta Mala, the first of the fifteen Malas. Because it confers Khadga Siddhi on the Sadhaka, it is referred to as Khadga Mala. This Mala mantra can be chanted with Sakama or NiShkama attitudes.Above we given actual procedure for how to chant Sri Devi Khadgamala.

What is Khadgamala meditation?

A)In the above Hidden secrets behind khadmala we already explained how to do meditation using wonderful enclosures.Please follow the correct procedure to get good results.You can also use specific mudras for meditate or to chanting.

How do you chant  Khadgamala Mantra for someone else?

A)When doing for someone else, you have to name the person and purpose in the sankalp mantra. If you want to chant for someone simply make a mental commitment (sankalp) saying that you to help said person and that is why you want to chant. Also pray to the planet or deity to grant fruits of the chanting to said person.

Can women and children chant this Mantra?

A)Yes they can Chant.

Where should Shri Yantra picture be placed in the house?

A)Place the Yantra facing the east or north direction of your house or in puja altar. Theyantra is like a microcosmic picture of the MACROCOSM. It’s an energized tool for wealth and prosperity.

Who is the goddess of Sri Chakra?

A)Tripura Sundari(Kameshwari and kameshwara )

Who designed Sri Chakra?

A)In truth, the worship of the Sri Chakra is both an art and a science designed by divinely inspired sages; its regular performance clears all obstacles, bestows all blessings, and carries us inexorably towards the highest goal of oneness with the supreme Goddess Sri Lalita Tripur Sundari.

How many types of Yantras are there?

A)Generally, we have 56 Yantras and they have miracle benefits. Usually, Yantras are defined as visual mantras. From ancient days onwards, these yantras are used to remove the malefic effects of the evil and strengthen to positive powers.

devi khadgamala stotram meaning in telugu

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