Remedies in English

Remedies in English for Different Types of Problems

Remedies in English for Different Types of Problems Visit
Remedies in English for Different Types of Problems

Remedy to problems according to astrology-Don’t waste your money on solving problems (don’t go for any swamiji who wants money to solve problems) ,Just chant these mantras with devotion and dedication to sort out your problems. Remedies to get job immediately,Health problems(For health problems along with medicines, chant these mantras),marriage remedies, Nadi astrology remedies,planets remedies,remedies for problems in life.

Pithru Devatha Stuthi Stotra Mantra-Chant daily for overcome pitrudosha/ pitrushapa

Sri Varahi Devi kavacham – For Health Problems, land Problems, Enemy problem

Mantra for Child to Speak- For The child who has some deficiencies or late speaking

Varahi Dwadasa Nama Stotram 12 Names of Varahi -Just please varahi devi with these 12 names No Mantra No Beejaksharas.

Sri Suktam- Please lakshmi devi and Narayana Swami with this Mantra

Purusha Suktam- for the grace of lakshmi devi and Narayana Swami with this Mantra to produce miraculous results.

Sundara Hanuman Mantra -This has 32 names, out of which five namas are rahasya namas. The Hanuman beeja mantra mentioned here is considered to be the best way to please Lord Hanuman and gain his blessings. These 32 names gives the result of complete sundarakahnad parayana.

Mantra for Memory loss problem

Sri Surya Satakam for All types of Eye Diseases

Panchayudha Stotram to Defeat Enemies– This is most Powerful stotram. Chant these stotras every day.These god vishnu weapons protects us from any situation/any danger. This protects us from unexpected problems or from unexpected persons. Learn and teach to your children as well,In your absence gods weapons will protect your children.

Swapna Varahi Mantra and Benefits – Does the person is correct or not if you want to know about anyone chant this mantra

Garbha Raksha Stotram Mantra to Prevent Abortion 

Narayaneyam Dasakam 1to 10 – Chant for seviour health problems like Cancer or any health problems which can’t identified . It completely cures with in 45 days

Sashti Devi Stotram for Conceiving and Protection for Kids

Kalabhairava Brahma Kavacham కాలభైరవ బ్రహ్మ కవచం श्री काल भैरव ब्रह्म कवच for Positive Aura

Kalidasa Virachita Shyamala Dandakam with Meaning- for gaining supreme knowledge.

Matangi Hrudayam Stotram- For intelligence, Wisdom

Sri Shyamala Sahasranamam Stotram | Raja Shyamala Sahasranamam- Matangi Sahasranamam

Some More slokas for different problems with Meaning:

While dooing pooja for cleaning the ground to do chanting:
(To be chanted before chanting the names of God)

Apasarpanthu ye bhoothaa , ye bhoothaa bhuvi samsthithaa,
Ye bhoothaa vignakarthaara dehaschanthu Shiva aagnayaa

These Bhoothas which spy on me and these Bhoothas who are on earth ,
This Bhootha which create obstacles may go away due to the order of Lord Shiva.

To clean the water in the kalasa(pot) meant for worship:

Kalasaya mukhe Vishnu , Kanda Rudra Samasrutha,
Kukshouthu sagaraa sarve sapthakveepaa vasundaraa.
Rig vedadha Yajurveda , Sama vedhopi atharvana,
Angaischa sahithaa Vedaa kalasambu samasrithaa,
Gangecha Yamune chaiva Godavari Saraswathi,
Narmadhe Sindhu Cauvery Jalesmin sannidhim kuru.

On the face of the pot is Lord Vishnu, on its neck is Rudraa,
On its stomach is the sea, seven islands and earth,
Rig Veda , Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharvana Veda,
Along with their branches are present in the pot,
Also river Ganga, Yamuna , Godavari, Saraswathi,
Narmada , Sindhu and Cauvery are present in the water inside.

For ringing the bell during worship:

AAgamatrhanthu devaanaam gamanarthanthu Raakshasaam,
Kuru gandaravam thathra devathahvana lanchanam.

For the coming of devas and for going away of the asuras,
Make that sound which would be welcoming the devas.

To pour the water in Conch round the god:

Sankhamadhye sthitham thoyam SAnkaropari,
Anga lagnam manushyaanaam Brahmahathyaa aayudham saheth.

If the water in the conch which was poured over Lord Shiva,
Touches the body of human being, Even the sin ofkilling a Brahmin would go away.

To take the sacred water after anointing God with these slokas:

1.Akala mruthyu haranam , sarva vyadhi nivaranam,
SAmastha papa kshaya karam , Shiva(Vishnu) padodakam

The water washing the feet of Lord Shiva(vishnu)
Would avoid accidental early deaths , Would cure all diseases,
And would also destroy all the sins committed.


2.Darasanth nikhila kilbishabhakam , sparsanath Akhila,
Kamadham shubham, Prasanasch parmartha bodhakam,
Chandrachooda saranodhakam Bhaje

I sing praises of water washing the feet of God who wears the moon,
Which removes all seen if seen , fulfills all desires just by touching ,
Would give you realization of Philosophy by taking it.

Saying this touch the water and then the stomach

To do Pradakshina(circambulation):
Yaani kaani cha paapani , Janmanthara kruthani cha,
Thani thani vinasyanthi Pradakshina pade pade

All those sins that were done over several births ,
Would one by one get destroyed when we do Pradakshina.

Places of salvation:
Daasanath Abra sadasi , jananath Kamalalaye ,
Kasyanthu maranath mukthi , Smaranath arunachale
Seeing Chidambaram, Being born in Thirivarur,
Dying in Benares and just thinking of Thiruvannamalai would lead to salvation.

While Prayer to the God:
Anayasena marjanam , vinaa dainyena jeevanam,
Dehi may krupayaa Shambo thwayi bhakthir achanjalaam.

Oh God shambhu please grant an easy death ,
And a life without dependence,
To me who has unshaken faith in you.

When we want to give away our duty to God:

Kayenavacha Manasendryrva budhyatmanava  prakrithai swabhawat,

Karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai narayanayethi samarpayami             


I offer all that I do,

To :Lord Narayana,

Whatever I do with my body,

Whatever I do with my mind,

Whatever I do with my brain,

Whatever I do with my soul,

When As soon as we see our food recite this sloka:

Asmakam  nithyam  asthu  yethath


Let this be made available to me daily.

When As soon as food is served  on the leaf:

Annapurne Mahadevi , Shankara prana vallabhe ,

Jnana vairagya sidhyartham Bikshaam dehi  cha Parvathi


Oh great goddess Annapurna  , who is the dear wife of Lord Shiva,

Oh Parvathi , give me alms   for the sake  of wisdom and detachment.

After taking meals with water we should chant these slokas:

After taking meals , the water which has been taken  by us

(The water remaining in hand after “amruthapi dhanamasi)

Should be taken round the leaves and left on right side.

Say “ Annadatha Sukheebhava”-let those who gave food have a pleasant life)

leave water (Circle and leave on right side of plate or leaf):

Rourave  apunya  nilaye , Padma  arbudha  nivasinaam,

Artheenaam  udakam datham  akshayyam  upathishtathu.


In the hell called Raurava , to those  millions of souls,

Who need water  , May this water be available without getting over.

After eating food for food getting digested:

Vathapi raksho baksha , sathwam  Vindhya parvatha Garvahaa,

Samudhra Theertha  panaasu Jeernam kuru mamasanam


Oh sage  who ate Vatapi, Of sage who destroyed the  pride of Vindhyas,

Oh sage who drank the ocean water, please digest the food that I have taken.

To get effect of Performing Oupasana:

(This has to be chanted at dawn, non and dusk)

Chathurbischa Chathrbischa thwabhyaam panchaprevasha,
Hooyadesa punar dwaabhyaam sano Vishnu praseedathu.

Using four things, four things , you enter the fifth stage ,
In the case of fire sacrifice and Lord Vishnu would be pleased with you.

To remove the sins of not doing  rituals properly:

(Chanting this thrice in the morning and in evening  ,

Removes sin of not doing Sandhya  as well as doing  it late.)

Paaramparam  Vishnu  Apara  para  para  prebhya Parmathma roopi,

Sa Brahmapara  para paara   Bhootha  para  paraanaam  Abhipara  Bhootha.


Vishnu who has  the form of divine God  makes us cross from one shore  to another,

As he is   shore to  the sea of sorrow  as well as sea of   the cycle of birth and death.

To prevent messengers from God of death  from troubling us:

(The messangers of Yama will not trouble us if we chant  this prayer)

Vishno  , Nrusimha , Madhusoodana  , Chakrapane,

Gowripathe  , Gireesa, Sankara , Chandra chooda,

Narayana , Asura nibarhana , Sarangapane  ,

THyajyaa badaya   ithi santhatham  AAmanandi


I always pray   that   the messengers of Yama  should be kept away,

Oh Vishnu, Oh Man lion  , Oh killer  of Madhu . Oh holder  of Chakra ,

Oh consort of Parvathi , Oh God  of the mountain  , Oh Sankara, Oh God who wears  the moon,

Oh Narayana, Oh killer  of Asuras , Oh holder  of  SAranga.

To salute Brahmins:
(Sloka told before saluting Brahmins)

Viprogha Darasanath sadhya ksheeyanthe paparasAYA,
Vandanath mangala avapthi , archanath achyutham.

On seeing a Brahmin group all sins would go away,
On saluting them we get auspiciousness and
By worshipping them We get the world of Achyutha.

To sprinkle the   water used to wash the feet  of a Brahmin:

SAmastha sampath samavapthi  hethava  samudhitha, aapathkula dhooma  kethava,

Apara samsara  samudhra sethava  punanthu maam  Brahmana pada pamsava.


Let this dust of the feet of Brahmin ,

Which is the cause of attainment  of all wealth,

Which is a destructive comet for  expected dangers

And is a bridge to the endless  ocean of Samsara,

To give endless   satisfaction to our manes

To get rid of poverty:

(To be repeated three times in the dawn and at dusk)

Yaduth bhava , sathva rajasthamogunaa sargga,

Sthuthi dwamsa  nidhana karina,

Yadichayaa  viswamidam  bhava bhavou thaothi,

Moola prakruthim nathasmatrhaam.


We salute   that primeval power   from whom  ,

The sathva, Rajas and Thamo gunas originated ,

And are engaged in creation, upkeep and destruction of the world,

And due to her wish  the world   does good or bad deeds.

To get the effect of having done Aswamedha:

(this should be repeated  thrice in front of Thulasi plant)

Brinda , Brindavanee , Viswapoojithaa  , Viswapavani  ,

Pushpasara , nandhanee   cha  Thulasi Krishna jeevani


Brinda, One who is even Brindavana , One worshipped by the world , one which makes  world pure,

One who is essence of flowers, The daughter , Thulasi  and one who lives with Krishna.

To avoid bad dreams:

(Chant 3 times before retiring to bed)

Achyutham, Kesavam  , Vishnum , Harim  , SAthyam , Janardhanam,

Hamsam Narayanam    Krishnam japeth   Duswapna SAnthaye.


He who chants “Achyutha  , Kesava , Vishnu  ,  Hari , Sathya   and Janardhana,

Hamsa  , Narayana  and Krishna , would make his bad dreams peaceful.

To get rid  of dosha of widowhood:

(After performing pooja to Thulasi , this should be chanted 12 times.)

Thanmoole sarva theerthaani   , yan madhye   sarva devathaa,

Yadagre sarva vedancha  , thulasim thaam namayaham.


I salute the Thulasi in whose reads all sacred waters stay,

In the middle of which all devas live and in the tip of which   all Vedas  exist.

To avoid becoming a widow:

(To be chanted by unmarried girls and Sumangalis three times   a day.)

Omkara poorvike Devi , Veena pusthaka   Dharini,

Vedambike , namasthubhyam  avaidavyam prayacha may.


Oh Goddess who was  prior to “Om” , who carried a book and a Veena,

Oh mother of Vedas I salute you, Please  do not make  me a widow.

Prayer  to Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva:

Namasthe sthanum   anagam  namaye vanamalinam,

Namasye  halalam gale eesaanam  , Namasyeaham  Sriya pathim


I salute the ever permanent one  , I salute him who wears  the forest garland,

I salute he who has halahala  poison  in the  neck , I salute consort of Laksh

To get rid of fear of theft:

(To be chanted daily before sleep)

Kanthareshva sannannam magnanancha Maharnave  ,

Dasyu  birvaa nirudhatham  thwam gathi  paramanruganaam.


When I am exhausted in the forest or drowning   in the sea ,

To those who suffer due to thieves,you are the only shelter.

To avoid  accidental death:

(Chant this 1008 times and apply sacred ash)

Mruthyunjayaya Rudraya , Neelakantaq Shambhave ,

Amruthesaya  sarvaya  Mahadevaya  they nama.


Oh God who has won over death, Oh angry God , Oh God with blue neck , Oh Shambu,

Oh God of the nectar , Oh Shiva , Oh Mahadeva, I salute you.

Trimurthi Sthuthi:

(Prayer to the trinity . Chanting  it three times,

Destroys sin committed   by mind, words and body)

Srujathi Vidhi  samaakhya Rajasena  Aathmana asou,

Vahathi Hari samakhya  Sathwa nishta prapancham,

Harathi  hara  samakhya    thamasim  yethya  vruthim,

Madhu  Madana  Mahimnaam  asthi Vethaa nakopi.


As Brahma  he creates   the world  and has Rajasic qualities,

As Vishnu  he  takes care of its upkeep  and has  Sathwa qualities,

As Shiva  , he destroys the world and has thamasic qualities,

And who can really  know  the  greatness of killer of Madhu?

To get result equal to performing a Yaga:

Namaskara  Smrutho Yagna , sarva Yagna  , uthamam, Uthama ,

Namami sathatham  Samedhava   Praseedathu.


Salutations  to smruthi  , Yagna(fire sacrifice), All yagnas are great , and great  ,

I always salute  Devas  and let the Good fire sacrifices be pleased  with me.

To get the grace of Goddess:

(Chant this ten times daily)

Pathaya vaa patale, Sthapaya vaa  sakala  Bhuvana samraye,

Matha thava pada yugalam, munchami naiva munchami.


Push me in to Patala or  establish me as the king of the universe,

Oh Mother, I would not leave your two feet, will not leave.

To destroy sin committed by the mind:

(This has to be chanted eight times at dawn and dusk)

Vibhatheeya Shivasane , Shivena saakam  avyaya,

Hiranmaye Athinirmale Namami thaam Himathrijaam.


I salute  her who sits with Lord Shiva  on the shining seat of Shiva,

The golden goddess,who is extremely pure and who is daughter of Himalayas.

To get rid of fear of enemy, To get rid of sorrow:

(Salute Lord Rama and chant 1008 times)

Aarthanaam aarthi hantharam  bheethanam bheetha nasanam,

Dwishatham kaladandam tham Ramachandram namamyaham


My salutations to that Ramachandra,

Who wipes of all miseries of the miserable,

Who wipes away all fear from those afraid,

And who is the God of death to his enemies.

To get rid of danger:

(daily pray ten times and when great  danger comes chant 1008 times)

Aapadam apa  hartharam dhataram  sarva sampadam,

Lokabhi ramam Sri ramam  bhooyo bhooyo namamyaham.


My prostrations to that Sri Rama,

Who removes all dangers in life,

Who gives all riches to his devotees,

And who is the darling of all the world.

Remedies for Pregnancy:

To give birth to a son:

(Daily this has to be chanted 108 times, Payasa  offered as Naivedhya and distributed among children)

Kausalya Ajanayath Ramam, sarva lakshana Samyutham,

Vishno , ardham maha bagam puthram Ishvaku vardhanam.


Kausalya gave  birth to Rama   who was gifted with all good  qualities,

Who was  half of Vishnu  , who was great and increased the Ikshuvaku dynasty.

To get rid of barrenness  among ladies:

(these names of 18 Puranas should be chanted once daily  and 108 times in  the  Shukla Dwadasi of the Karthigai month)

Brahmam , Padmam , Vaishnavyancha  , SAivam , Bhagwadam thadaa,

Bavishyam  Naradheeyamcha  Markandeya    Adha param,

Aagneyam  Brahmam  Vaivartham   Lingam  Varaha meva cha,

Skandhamcha   Vamanam   KOurmam., Mathsyam  , Garudam  Meva cha,

Brahmandancha  puranadhi padathaam  puthrathaa nija


One who reads the names  of Brahma Purana  , Padma Purana , Vishnu Purana,, Saiva Purana,

Bhagwatha , Bhavishya Purana , Narada Purana , Markandeya  Purana  ,

Agneya Purana , Brahma vaivartha  Purana , Linga Purana, Varaha  Purana,

Skandha Purana   Vamana Purana , Koorma Purana , Mathsya Purana, Garuda  Purana,

Brahamnda Purana   would definitely   get a son.

To remove Balarishta:

(this has to be chanted 100 times , written on a card and hung on the cradle

Of the baby.This would remove difficulties during child hood.)

Brahma, Vishnu  , Shiva, Skandha  , Gowri, Lakshmir Maheswara,

Rakshanthu  jwara  dahartham  Munchanthu cha   Kumarakam


Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu  , Lord Shiva, Lord Subrahmanya  ,Goddess  Parvathi, Goddess Lakshmi, The greatest god,

May protect from fever and thirst   and set free this baby  from all troubles.

The  greatness of Cauvery:

Trirathram  Jahnavi thoye , Saptha rathranthu yamune ,

Sadhya punaati Cauvery  papam aamaranathikam.


All sins would be washed away  by taking bath for three  days in Ganges,

Seven days in Yamuna   and just by taking bath in Cauvery.

Seeing of Sethu in Rameswaram:

Raghu veera pada nyasa  pavithra krutha  pamsave ,

dAsa kanda sirachedha  hethave sethave nama.


Oh place  which is made holy by the touch of the feet of Rama,

I salute you Sethu who is cause of slaying of Ravana.

Remedies for Health:

To get rid of diseases like epilepsy and fainting:
(Chant 108 times)

Gurave sarva lokanam, bhishaje bhava roginam,
Nidhaye sarva vidhyanam, Dakshinamurthaye nama

Salutaions to thr God of South,
Who is the teacher of all the world,
Who is the doctor for all diseases,
And who is the store house of all knowledge.

To get rid of worries and depression:
(Daily chant this three times at dawn and dusk)

Namo mathsya koormadhi nanaswaroopa roopai ,
Sadaa bhaktha karya udyathaya aarthi hanthre ,
Vidathraathi sarga sthithi dwamsa karthre,
Gadhaa sankha padmari hasthaya thesthu.

Salutations to the one who took different forms like Fish and Turtle,
Who is always engaged in helping his devotees,
Who gets the job of creation , upkeep and destruction by Lord Brahma and others,
And who holds the mace conch , Lotus flower in his hands .

To get rid of diseases of the eye:

(to be chanted 12 times daily , 108 times  on Sundays and first of the Sanskrit months,

And should be offered Jaggery rice as  Naivedhya. This is a part of my  post of Soorya sthava Raja)

Vivarthano  Vivaswaam cha Marthando, Bhakaro Ravi,

Loka prakasaka  , Sriman Loka Chakshu  Maheswara,

Loka Sakshi  , Trilokesa  , Kartha , hartha  thamiraha ,

Thapana  Thapanaischaiva    Suchi  Sapthaswa vahana  ,

Gabasthi hastha  brahmanya  sarva deva  namaskrutha ,

SAreera  aarogyadaschaiva   Dhana vrudgi  Yasaskara.


The transformer, one who shines  , bird of the sky  , the one who lights ,one who bestows,

One who lights the world  , the eye of the world  , the great lord,

The witness of the world  , The god of three worlds, the doer, the destroyer and killer of night ,

He who heats he who cools  , the pure one, one who rides on seven horses,

He who has shining hands, one who has realized Brahman  , one who is saluted by all devas,

He who improves health , increases wealth and fame.

To get  rid of incurable diseases:

(chant this 1008 times in the morning for 40 days)

Om Nama paramarthaya   purushaya  Mahathmane  ,

Aroopa bahu roopaya  , vyapine paramathmane .


Om I  salute   the Purusha  who is the truth and  a Great one ,

Who is without form , who has several forms , Who is the divine soul who is spread everywhere.

To get cured of poxes:

(To be chanted   108 times for three days ,  for the sick man by  another one,

Standing in water )

Vandeham Seethalaam devim  rasabasthaam  , digambaraam,

Marjanee kalasopetham  visphota kavi nasinim.


I salute the Goddess Sitala(cold one)  sitting on a donkey , wearing the sky as cloth ,

Who holds in her hand  a broomstick and a pot , who would cure all poxes.

To get cured  of Cholera:

(Take water in a copper pot and chant this 108  times,

And make the patient drink the water.,If you daily chant this ,

You would not get  attacked by Cholera.)

Namo Bhagwathi thwam  may Vishnu SAkthi haraa shubham,

Uthsadaya   naya kshipram  dhoore  kuru vishoochikaam,


Salutations the Goddess  who is the power of Lord Vishnu ,

Please destroy   and quickly throw for a long distance the attack of Cholera.

To increase  memory  and avoid loss of memory:

(To be chanted   108 times daily)

Yaa devi sarva bhootheshu  Smruthi roopena samshthithaa,

Namasthasyai  , namasthasyai, namasthasyai namo nama.


I salute her, salute her    and salute   her , who exists,

In all beings in the form of  memory.

For getting rid of diseases:

(Prayer is addressed  to Balambika)

Bakambikesa Vaidhyesa , bhava roga haredusa,

Japen nama thrayam nithyam Maha roga nivaranam,


Lord of Balambika,  God of doctors, Hara the god who removes disease of birth and death,

He who reads   these three names daily, would get rid of great diseases.

For getting rid of diseases:

(chant this 108 times and apply sacred ash.Disease would go away. If it is serious repeat for 40 days,)

Achyutha, Anantha  , Govinda  nama ucharana   Beshajath

Nasyanthi sakalaa  rogaa , sathyam sathyam Vadamyaham


Achyutha, Anantha  , Govinda , after    reciting these names,

All diseases would be destroyed, I am telling the truth, the truth.

Remedies for Job:

For increase in knowledge , to pass in examination:
(this has to be chanted eight times in the morning

Bhashyathi sarva sashtraani , yechanye niyamaa thadhaa ,
Aksharanicha sarvaani thwanthu devu namosthuthe.

I salute her who is the goddess of interpretation of all Sastras ,
As well as other works laying down rules as well as all alphabets.

To get blessing of Lakshmi/To get a job:

(to be chanted 10 times daily.

On Fridays chant it 108 times after lighting a ghee lamp.

Sri devihi  amruthoth  bhootha   , Kamala , Chandra Shobhanaa,

Vishnu pathni  Vaishnavi cha  Vararohascha Sarngini,

Hari Priya  , Deva devi  , Mahalakshmischa Sundari


Sridevi , she who  rose with nectar , great  lotus like goddess , She who shines like moon,

Wife of Vishnu  , Consort of Vishnu  , Consort of Varaha  , She who holds Sarnga bow  ,

She who is darling of Hari , The Goddess of gods , Mahalakshmi, the pretty Goddess.

To realize success in what we do:

(As soon as you start some thing recite this ten times)

Sthutha si  thvam  Maha devi , visudhena antharathmana,

Jayo bhavathu  may nithyam   sarva  karye prasathatha.


Oh great goddess  I  pray you with a pure heart,

Please bless me that I succeed   in this   activity.

Remedies for Marriage:

To get married quickly:
(To be chanted by the girl or boy or their parents daily 108 times)

Janakasya vacha vichruthwaa paaneen panibhi asprusan,
Chathvarasthe satha srunaam Vasishtasya mathesthitha.


Hearing the words of Janaka , the four held the hand by their hands ,

Of the daughters of Janaka due to the advice expressed by Vasishta

To attract one individual:

(Chant 108 times, writing every time  the name of person,

Who has to be attracted on saffron on turmeric powder and wear that powder.)

Trilokya mohanaakare , trilokya pari poojithe ,

Trilokyam they vase, devi trilokyammay vasam kuru.


Oh Goddess who has a form that attracts all the three  worlds,

Oh Goddess who is worshipped   by all the three  worlds,

Oh Goddess  who has all the three  worlds in her control,

Please put all the three  worlds  under my control.

To get rid of sins:

(chant it three times as soon as you get up. Sins done in the previous day will vanish.)

Vishnum, NarayanAM , Krishnam, Madhavam, Madhusudanam,

‘Harim naraharim vandhe   Govindham  , dadhi Vamanam.


I salute Vishnu  , Narayana , Krishna , Madhava , Madhusudana,

Hari  , Narasimha , Govinda     and Vamana

For getting rid of misery:

(To be read eight times)

Duswapna , dusshakuna , durgathi, dhourmanasya,

Durbiksha , duevyasana  dussasha   duryasamsi,

Uthpatha thapa  , visha bheethim  asathkara karthim,

Vyadheemscha  nasayathu may   jagathaam adheesa.


Oh owner and lord of this universe , please    destroy ,

Bad dreams, bad omens , bad fate  , a sick mind ,

Famine . sorrow , unbearable  pain, bad name  ,

The  growing sorrow, fear of poison and misery created by planets.

To get desires fulfilled:

(this  has to be chanted 108 times after bath for 40 days.)

Yekam Brahmaiva, advitheeyam samastham,

SAthyam sathyam  neha naanaasthi kinchith,

Yeko Rudra na advitheeyathasthe ,

Thasmath   yekam thwaam  prapadhye  mahesam.


Brahma is only one and he does not have two,

This is the truth, the  truth and all other things are lie,

Rudra is only  one and he does  not have any two,

And so Oh great God  I salute you who is only one

To get rid of bad dreams:

To get the effect of reading Shiva SAhasranama

(To be read three  times)

Shivo, Maheswaraschaiva , Rudhro , Vishnu , pithamaha ,

SAmsara  Vaidhya , Sarvesa , Paramathma SAdashiva.


Shive, Maheswara, Rudra, Vishnu  , Brahm,

The doctor of domestic life, The god of all ,  the divine soul  and the Sadashiva.