Seetha Chakram Sri Rama chakram

Seetha Chakram | Sri Rama Chakram
Now you may think what are Seetha Rama Chakram. Most of the people don’t know about these chakras. These Seetha Rama Chakram are mystic diagrams or a yantras given in Tamil almanacs as an instrument of astrology for predicting one’s future. Sriramachakra also called Sri Rama Chakra, Ramachakra, Rama Chakra, or Ramar Chakra.
The geometrical diagram consists of a square divided into smaller squares by equal numbers of lines parallel to the sides of the square. Certain integers in well defined patterns are written in the various smaller squares. In some almanacs, for example, in the Panchangam published by the Sringeri Sharada Peetham by Srirangam Temple, the diagram takes the form of a magic square of order 4 with certain special properties.
This magic square belongs to a certain class of magic squares called strongly magic squares which has been so named and studied by T V Padmakumar, an amateur mathematician from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
In some almanacs, for example, in the Pambu Panchangam, the diagram consists of an arrangement of 36 small squares in 6 rows and 6 columns in which the digits 1, 2, …, 9 are written in that order from left to right starting from the top-left corner, repeating the digits in the same direction once the digit 9 is reached.

Sri Rama Chakram:

Sri Rama Chakram for self futrue Predicting visit
Sri Rama Chakram for self futrue Predicting

The Sri Rama Chakra as given in the Panchangam published by the Sringeri Sharada Peetham. This is a magic square of order 4. The sum of the numbers in every row, every column and each diagonal are all equal to 34.

Sri Rama Chakra as a strongly magic square:

Let M be a magic square of order 4 and let it be represented by matrix as follows:

{\displaystyle M={\begin{bmatrix}a_{11}&a_{12}&a_{13}&a_{14}\\a_{21}&a_{22}&a_ {23}&a_{24}\\a_{31}&a_{32} &a_ {33}&a_{34}\\a_{41} &a_{42}&a_{43}&a_{44}\\\end {bmatrix}}} {\displaystyle M={\begin{bmatrix}a_{11}&a_{12}&a_{13} &a_{14}\\a_{21}&a_{22}&a_{23}&a_{24}\\a_{31}&a_{32}&a_ {33}&a_{34}\\a_{41}&a_{42}&a_{43}&a_{44}\\\ end{bmatrix}}}

The numbers in each row, and in each column, and the numbers that run diagonally in both directions, all add up to the number 34.

M is called a strongly magic square if the following condition is satisfied:

For all m, n such that 1 ≤ m ≤ 4, 1 ≤ n ≤ 4, we have

{\displaystyle a_{m,n}+a_{m,n+1}+a_{m+1,n}+ a_{m+1,n+1}=34} {\displaystyle a_{m,n}+a_{m,n+1}+ a_{m+1,n}+ a_{m+1,n+1}=34},

where it is assumed that if a subscript exceeds 4 it is replaced by 1 (wrapping around rows and columns).

For example in a strongly magic square M the following must be true.

{\displaystyle a_{23}+a_{24}+a_{33}+a_{34}=34}{\displaystyle a_{23}+a_{24}+a_{33}+a_{34}=34} (taking m = 2, n = 3)

{\displaystyle a_{24}+a_{21}+a_{34}+a_{31}=34}{\displaystyle a_{24}+a_{21}+a_{34}+a_{31}=34} (taking m = 2, n = 4)

{\displaystyle a_{44}+a_{41}+a_{14}+a_{11}=34}{\displaystyle a_{44}+a_{41}+a_{14}+a_{11}=34} (taking m = 4, n = 4)

One can easily verify that the magic square represented by the Sri Rama Chakra is a strongly magic square.

How to use Sri Ram chakra:

These Chakras are used by the believers to predict the future. A believer takes a small flower, prays to God seeking divine directions and drops the flower randomly on a board containing an inscription of one of the Chakras. The number on which the flower falls is believed to give a broad indication of the future of the believer. For example, if the design is Sri Rama Chakra in the form of a magic square and the number on which the flower has fallen is 11 then the person can expect “victory in his/her future endeavors”.

Seetha chakram:

Seetha Chakram for predicting future visit
Seetha Chakram for predicting future 

There is another smaller mystic diagram, called Seetha Chakra given in Tamil almanacs. In some almanacs it is given as a magic square of order 3 whereas in some others it is an arrangement of 9 small squares in 3 rows and 3 columns in which the digits 6, 8, 7,10 are written in that order column-wise from left to right.

How to Test future:

Take print of the above the picture and close your eyes pray god for your desired wish  and keep your figure on  paper or take small flower and drop on the board. In this Seetha chakram we have 1 to 16 numbers.

If you got the number 1,The number 1– says leave the thought in your mind now(don’t do the work now).If you got the number as 2– it indicates Sadness , if do the work or whatever your thinking to have(your wish) that gives you sadness that means don’t do the work. If you got the number as 3-says karya siddhi (The work or the thought will gives you goo result), so do the work.If you got the number 4– says sarvalabham, for your hard work god will support you, so do the work says the Seetha Chakram. If you got the number as 5-says Shubham(Luck) this number say your in correct way,so you can do the work says seetha chakram,.If you got the number 6with the god support you will be success , so you can do the work without doubt says Seetha Chakram. If you got the number as 7– it shows cause it gives worry when ever you want to do the work it gives same result.S,never do the work says seetha chakarm.

If you got the number as 8 -shubham that shows will have be defiantly good result. So without late you can start the work. If you got the number 9 -karaya jayam definite good result Planetary compatibility is good.

If you got the number 10 -says Wealth, 11-says Comfort your friends and relatives help you so you can do the work.if you go the number 12 -fear tension so don’t do the work. If you got the number

13-Conflicts don’t do the work. If you got the number 14-development so you can do the work.

if you got the 15 number  loss of money court issues will be never solve. If you got 16 number definite good result. (In lottery,races you will win).

self-prediction future,#Seethachakram,#Sriramachakram

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