Bala Muktavali Stotram

Bala Muktavali Stotram with Meaning Visit
Bala Muktavali Stotram with Meaning

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Bala Muktavali Stotram from Vishnu Yamala Tantra:

Balarka koti ruchiraam koti brahmanda bhooshithaam,

Kandarpa koti lavanyam, Baalaam vande Shiva priyam. 1

Vahni koti prabham Sookshmam, koti koti heylineem,

Varadam raktha varnam cha Baalaam vande sanathaneem. 2

Jnanarathnakaraam bhimaam Parabrahmavathareineem,

Pancha prethasana gathaam, Baalaam vande guhaasayaam. 3

Para prasada moordhnistham pavithram paathra dharineem,

Pasupasaschidham, theeshnam, Baalaam Shivasanam. 4

Girijam girimadhyastham gheeroopaam jnanadhayineem,

Guhya Thathwa paraam chadhyam, Baalaam vandhe purathaneem. 5

Boudhakoti susoundaram Chandra koti susheethalam,

Aasaa waasaam param devim, vande baalaam kapardhineem. 6

Srushti sthithyantha karinyam, Trigunathmaka roopineem,

Kala grasana samarthyam, Baalaam vande phalapradham. 7

Yagna naasaam yagna deham, yagna karma subha pradham,

Jeevathmam viswa jananeem, Baalaam vande parathparam. 8

Ithyetath param guhyam namna mukthavali sthavam,

Ye padanthi mahesani phalam vakthum na sakyathe. 9

Bala Muktavali Stotram Meaning:

I salute Bala, the darling of Lord Shiva,
Who shines like billions of Suns,
Who wears billions of universes as ornament,
And who is prettier than billions of cupids. 1

I salute Bala who is without beginning,
Who in micro form is brighter than billions of fires,
Who is as good as billion lights of the moon,
Who is of the red colour of blood,
And who takes care of every one. 2

I salute Bala who sleeps in the cave of the mind,
Who is the jewel of ultimate knowledge,
Who is gross, who is incarnation of the God principle,
And who sits on the throne of the five Gods.
Brahma, Rudra, Vishnu, Sadashiva and Ishwara. 3

I salute Bala who sits with Lord Shiva,
Who is capable of granting salvation,
Who is holy, who holds a bowl,
And cuts the attachment of the beings. 4

I salute Bala, who is the most ancient,
Who is the daughter of the mountain,
Who sits in the middle of the mountain,
Who is the form of music,
Who is the one who grants wisdom,
And who is the object of the most secret knowledge. 5

I salute Bala, who holds a skull in her hand,
Who is prettier than billions of wise people,
Who is cooler than billions of moons,
And who is the goddess beyond desires. 6

I salute that Bala, who always leads to results,
Who creates, upkeeps and destroys all,
Who has the form of three different forms of soul.
And who is capable of stopping the God of death. 7

I salute Bala, who is beyond the scope of knowledge,
Who was the reason for destroying Yagna of Rudra,
Who is the body of all sacrifices conducted,
Who is the one who does good to those conducting Yagna,
Who is the soul of all the beings,
And who is the mother of the entire universe. 8

Whoever reads this very secret prayer,
Which is like a garland leading to salvation,
Would realize results, which is beyond description. 9

Bala Muktavali Stotram in Devanagari/Sanskrit/Hindi:

बाल मुक्तावली स्तोत्र

बालार्क कोटि रुचिरां कोटि ब्रह्माण्ड भूषिथां,
कन्दर्प कोटि लावण्यं, बालां वन्दे शिव प्रियं. 1

वह्नि कोटि प्रभं सूक्ष्मं, कोटि कोटि हेय्लिनीं,
वरदं रक्था वर्णं च बालां वन्दे सनथानीं. 2

ज्ननरथ्नकरां भीमं अरब्रह्मवथरेइनीम्,
पञ्च प्रेथसन गथां, बालां वन्दे गुहासयां. 3

पर प्रसाद मूर्ध्निस्थं पवित्रं पाथर धारिणीं,
पसुपसस्चिधं, थीष्णं, बालां शिवसनं. 4

गिरिजं गिरिमध्यस्थं घीरूपां ज्ननधयिनीं,
गुह्य ठथ्व परां चध्यं, बालां वन्धे पुरथानीं. 5

बोउधकोति सुसोउन्दरं चन्द्र कोटि सुशीथालं,
आसा वासाम् परम् देवीं, वन्दे बालां कपर्धिनीं. 6

सृष्टि स्थिथ्यन्थ करिन्यं, त्रिगुनथ्मक रूपिणीं,
कला ग्रसन सामर्थ्यं, बालां वन्दे फलप्रधं. 7

यज्ञ नासां यज्ञ देहं, यज्ञ कर्म सुभ प्रधं,
जीवथ्मं विस्व जननीं, बालां वन्दे परथ्परं. 8

इथ्येततः परम् गुह्यं नाम्ना मुक्थावली स्थावं,
ये पदन्थि महेसनि फलं वक्थुं न सक्यथे. 9

Bala Muktavali Stotram in Telugu:

బాలార్క కోటి రుచిరాం కోటి బ్రహ్మాండ భూషితాం,
కందర్ప కోటి లావణ్యం, బాలం వందే శివ ప్రియం. 1

వహ్ని కోటి ప్రభం సూక్ష్మం, కోటి కోటి హేయ్లినీం,
వరదం రక్త వర్ణం చ బాలం వందే సనతనీం. 2

జ్ఞానరత్నకరాం భీమం అరబ్రహ్మవథరెఇనేమ్,
పంచ ప్రేతసన గతం, బాలం వందే గుహాసయాం. 3

పర ప్రసాద మూర్ద్నిస్తం పవిత్రం పాత్ర ధరినీం,
పసుపసస్చిధం, తీస్హ్నం, బాలం శివాసనం. 4

గిరిజం గిరిమధ్యస్తం ఘీరూపాం జ్ఞానధయినీం,
గుహ్య తత్వ పరం చాద్యం, బాలం వందే పురతనీం. 5

బౌధకోటి సుసౌన్దరం చంద్ర కోటి సుశీథలం,
ఆశా వాసం పరం దేవీం, వందే బాలం కపర్ధినీం. 6

సృష్టి స్థిత్యంత కరిన్యం, త్రిగునత్మక రూపినీం,
కల గ్రసన సామర్థ్యం, బాలం వందే ఫలప్రదం. 7

యజ్ఞ నాసాం యజ్ఞ దేహం, యజ్ఞ కర్మ సుభ ప్రదం,
జీవతమం విశ్వ జననీం, బాలం వందే పరాత్పరం. 8

ఇతఎతత్ పరం గుహ్యం నామన ముక్తావళి స్తవం,
ఏ పదంతి మహేసాని ఫలం వక్తుం న సక్యతే. 9

Bala Muktavali Stotram in Tamil:

பாலர்க கோடி ருசிராம் கோடி பிரம்மாண்ட போஒஷிதாம்,
கண்டர்ப கோடி லாவண்யம், பாலாம் வண்டே சிவ ப்ரியம். 1வஹ்னி கோடி பிரபம் சூட்சுமம், கோடி கோடி ஹெய்ளிநீம்,
வரதம் ரக்த வர்ணம் ச பாலாம் வண்டே சனதநீம். 2

ஜ்னனரத்னகராம் பீமாம் அரப்ரஹ்மவதரெஇநேம்,
பஞ்ச பிரேதசன கதாம், பாலாம் வண்டே குஹாசயாம். 3

பர ப்ரசட மூர்த்நிச்தம் பவித்ரம் பாத்திர தரிநீம்,
பசுபசச்சிதம், தீஷ்ணம், பாலாம் ஷிவசனம். 4

கிறிசம் கிரிமத்யச்தம் க்ஹீரூபாம் ஜ்னனதயிநீம்,
குஹ்ய தத்வா பராம் சத்யம், பாலாம் வந்தே புரதநீம். 5

பௌதகொடி சுசௌந்தரம் சந்திர கோடி சுஷீதளம்,
ஆசா வாசாம் பரம் தேவும், வண்டே பாலாம் கபர்திநீம். 6

சிருஷ்டி ச்தித்யந்த கரிண்யம், ற்றிகுனத்மாக ரூபிநீம்,
கல கரசன சாமர்த்தியம், பாலாம் வண்டே ப்ஹலப்ரதம். 7

யகன நாசாம் யகன தேஹம், யகன கர்ம சுபா பரதம்,
ஜீவத்மம் விஸ்வ ஜனனீம், பாலாம் வண்டே பராத்பரம். 8

இதஎடத் பரம் குஹ்யம் நமன முக்தாவளி ஸ்தவம்,
எ படந்தி மகேசனி ப்ஹலம் வக்தும் ந சக்யதே. 9