Argala Stotram Durga Saptashati
This is highly powerful mantra, means that Devi Maa is the most auspicious one and the one who bestows auspiciousness upon all of the worlds. She is pure and holy who protects those who surrender to her and is also called the Mother of the three worlds.In this Argala Stotram, Goddess’s devotees ask her to bless us with the charm to be a great personality, winning attitude, eternal fame, spiritual growth, and all the will get numerous benefits in the energy system.Goddess Durga blesses devotees in many ways with many forms of her divinity.
The Mantra given below helps you eliminate fear,and gives spirituality, victory, fame. By chanting this Mantra, you can rid yourself from the stress caused due to anxiety. The following Mantra dedicated to the Katyayani form of Durga helps devotees derive strength and courage in difficult times.
Read Durga Saptashati also.
Secret behind Verses of Argala Stotram:
Argala Stotram Remedies/Argala Stotram Benefits:
Frist Verse-for victory
2nd Verse -for eliminate trauma and bad karmas.
3rd Verse- for health 4th Verse- for great strength
5th Verse-for mental clarity,get rid of all kinds of eyes and visual diseases
6th Verse-for peace and get rid of all blood-related illnesses(Chanting this mantra can help to ease many skin diseases like acne, pimples, contact dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections, herpes, keloids, skin cancer, blood cancer, psoriasis, vitiligo, measles, anemia)
7th Verse-for protection(get rid of Ego)
8th Verse-for leadership
9th Verse-for Study
10th Verse- for happiness
11th Verse- for fame 12th Verse- for courage(get eternal victories)
13th Verse- for wealth(all the material needs and spiritual requirements of the person)
14th Verse- for reach into a deeper meditative trance and good health(anti-aging)
15th Verse- for officers (for your complete welfare)
16th Verse-for get high activation of Crown Chakra
17th Verse- for selfless love (get the ability to serve his society)
18th Verse- for remove obstacles(get the ability to overcome all kinds of tough situations)
19th Verse-for freedom ( always stay away from destruction and bad deeds)
20th Verse-for creativity (get the abilities like Lord Brahma)
21st verse- for love (get the abilities like Lord Krisha)
22nd Verse-for meditation (get the abilities like Lord Shiva
23rd Verse-for kings to expand their kingdom(get the abilities like Indra)
24th Verse-for the soul( fine the true way of spirituality and also find a true master who leads him towards eternal truth)
25th Verse-for get married soon(to find a compatible, understanding, and desired person as a life partner)
26th Verse- Reading of this Stotram is equal to Durga Saptashati. This Stotram is equally revered like the Durga Saptashati
Deity of Mantra: Goddess Shakti (Durga)
Argala Stotram in English:
sri argala stotram lyrics in English with Meaning:
asyasri argala stotra mantrasya visnuh rsih| anustupchandah| sri mahalaksirdevata| mantrodita devyobijam| navarno mantra saktih| sri saptasati mantrastatvam sri jagadanda prityarthe saptasati patham gatvena jape viniyogah||
om bandhuka kusumabhasam pañcamundadhivasinim|
sphuraccandrakalaratna mukutam mundamalinim||
trinetram rakta vasanam pinonnata ghatastanim|
pustakam caksamalam ca varam cabhayakam kramat||
dadhatim samsmarennityamuttaramnayamanitam|
ya candi madhukaitabhadi daityadalani ya mahisonmulini
ya dhumreksana candamundamathani ya rakta bijasani|
saktih sumbhanisumbhadaityadalani ya siddhi datri para
sa devi nava koti murti sahita mam patu visvesvari||
om namascandikayai
markandeya uvaca
Om, I bow to the Goddess Chandika
om jayatvam devi camunde jaya bhutapaharini|
jaya sarva gate devi kala ratri namoஉstute ||1||
Victory to you, Oh Goddess. You are the Supreme Conqueror and the slayer of passion and anger! You relieve the troubles of all existence! Oh Goddess who pervades everything. You are the One who destroys all darkness and negativity and always does good for us. I bow to you.In this verses every verse have secret behind it self in this first mantra is called a mantra of victory.
It is up to chanter that he can use this mantra to attain nonstop victories in any field of his life. Significantly, Goddess Durga also removes all the nasty terrible,frightful, and bad thoughts from chanter’s mind, hence helping him live a graceful lif
madhukaithabhavidravi vidhatru varade namah
om jayanti maṅgala kali bhadrakali kapalini ||2||
To you who defeated the negative qualities (demons) of “Too Little” and “Too Much”, Giver of the blessings of the creativity, I bow to you.
Grant us your form (Liberation), Grant us victory, Grant us welfare, remove all hostility (negativity).
This second mantra is called a mantra to eliminate trauma and bad karmas.This verse also removes the evil eye, black magic, and spirit possession.
durga siva ksama dhatri svaha svadha namoஉstute
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||3||
Salutations to Devi Durga Who Destroyed the Demons Madhu and Kaitabha, thus Granting the Boon of Protection to Sri Brahma.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
There are many people who talk sweetly and nicely in front of you but they talk bad about you in your absence. Chanter gets protection from such people who backbite, talk negatively, have bad intentions for them. When some official people create hurdles in your way or hold your growth and progress then this mantra will help you immensely.
mahisasura nirnasi bhaktanam sukhade namah|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||4||
Salutations to Devi Durga Who Destroyed (to the very root) the Demon Mahishasura; Salutations to Her Who Gives Great Joy to the Devotees.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
dhumranetra vadhe devi dharma kamartha dayini|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||5||
Meaning: Salutations to Devi Durga Who Slayed the Demon Dhumranetra (Dhumralochana); Salutations to Her Who is the Giver of Dharma (path of Righteousness), Kama (Fulfilment of Desires) and Artha (Prosperity) to Her Devotees.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
This mantra also liberates you from all sorts of mental illusions.Must chant this mantra, when you don’t find any correct path and when you get stuck somewhere in-between the project. This verse also helps to overcome false obstacles and imaginary boundaries.
rakta bija vadhe devi canda munda vinasini |
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||6||
Salutations to Devi Durga Who Slayed the Demon Raktabija and Destroyed the Demons Chanda and Munda.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
In ancient times there was a powerful demon and it was believed that he has a weird power, that when his blood touches the earth it would create more demons like him. In present times this relates to infectious diseases.
This mantra can also cure diseases that are infectious and can spread by viruses and bacteria. It can also control the chanter’s own negative thoughts. This mantra can help the chanter to always stay peaceful and positive.
nisumbhasumbha nirnasi trailokya subhade namah
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||7||
Meaning: Salutations to Devi Durga Who Destroyed (to the very root) the Demons Nishumbha and Shumbha; Salutations to Her Who Bestows Auspiciousness in the Three Worlds.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
To get rid of Ego and its offspring like unforgiveness, judgmental, wrong entitlement, wrongful pride, arrogance, scorn, false humility, being overbearing, pious, prejudiced, narrow-minded, boastful, know-it-all, dogmatic, and self-feeling of holier than God.
This mantra can also shield its chanter from blame, scandal, dishonor, shame, criticism, and deprecation. Chanter of this mantra is also shielded from the cunning and over-clever people.Chanter of this mantra is alsoprotected from the anger.
vandi taṅghriyuge devi sarvasaubhagya dayini|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||8||
Salutations to Devi Durga Whose Pair of Feet is Praised by All, and Who is the Bestower of All Welfare and Good Fortune.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.Goddess Durga also grants victory, fame, and money to the chanter.
acintya rupa carite sarva satr vinasini|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||9||
Salutations to Devi Durga Whose Form and Acts are Beyond Comprehension, and Who is the Destroyer of All Enemies.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
Those who worship Goddess by simply chanting of this verse can get any desired knowledge.
chanting this mantra will create protection for such people from jealous and envious people who create hurdles for such brilliant people. And moreover, sometimes these nice people stopped their work due to the shortage of money but this mantra can arrange to fund for their work and research.
natebhyah sarvada bhaktya caparne duritapahe|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||10||
Salutations to Devi Aparna (another name of Devi Durga) to Whom the Devotees Always Bow with Devotion and who Keeps Away the Devotees from Sins,
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
Those who worship Goddess by simply chanting of this verse can stay away from thoughts, ideas, perceptions which make chanter do sins and bad karmas. Those who chant this mantra with high devotion, their minds are protected by the Goddess Durga herself and helps them in their spiritual growth.
stuvadbhyobhaktipurvam tvam candike vyadhi nasini
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||11||
Meaning: O Devi Chandika, those who Praise You with full Devotion, You Destroy their Diseases and Ailments.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
Those who worship Goddess by simply chanting this verse can get protection from worldly problems. All of you know that praying to the Divine in any way removes all hurdles and problems from the devotee’s life.
candike satatam yuddhe jayanti papanasini|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||12||
Salutations to Devi Chandika, Who is Always Victorious in the Battles, and Who is the Destroyer of all Sins.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
We all keep fighting for big and small battles in life for survival. With this mantra, Goddess Durga will always assure your victory. Chanting this mantra, the Goddess makes you win in those battles of daily life and you keep winning all the times.
dehi saubhagyamarogyam dehi devi param sukham|
rupam dhehi jayam dehi yaso dhehi dviso jahi ||13||
O Devi, Please Bestow on me Welfare and Prosperity, along with Health and freedom from Diseases; O Devi, Please Give me the Highest Joy,
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.This mantra is perfect for attracting all the material needs and spiritual requirements of the person.
vidhehi devi kalyanam vidhehi vipulam sriyam|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||14||
O Devi, Please Bestow on me Good Fortune; O Devi, Please Give me Abundant Prosperity,
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
It can give you immense inner and physical strength. This mantra can also heal deep-rooted poisons and toxins. This mantra has anti-aging properties, if you want to look younger then chant this mantra as much as possible.
vidhehi dvisatam nasam vidhehi balamuccakaih|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||15||
O Devi, Please Destroy my Enemies; O Devi, Please Give me Great Strength,
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.It always fulfills your all worldly desires(materialistic wealth) like money, promotion, home, workplace,offices related.
surasurasiro ratna nighrstacaraneஉmbike|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||16||
Salutations to Devi Ambika, To Whose Feet the Devas Rub (i.e. Touch) their Heads adorned with Jewels out of Devotion, and To Whose Feet the Heads of the mighty Asuras adorned with Jewels get Subdued.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.If you Chant this mantra ,chanter will become so graceful person that all people would want to serve him.
vidhyavantam yasasvantam laksmivantañca mam kuru|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||17||
O Devi, Please Make me Full with Knowledge, Please Make me Full with Glory and Please Make me Full with the attributes of Lakshmi (Beauty and Prosperity).
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
If you want to serve your family, people around you, your city, your country, or the whole world with knowledge, fame, and wealth, please chant this mantra.
devi pracanda dordanda daitya darpa nisudini|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||18||
Salutations to Devi Durga, Who Destroys the Mighty Pride of the Excessively Violent and Powerful Demons.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.May there be a tough situation which is not easing down, may there be a tough influential person who is not supporting you, may there be a tough disease which is not curing anyhow, may there be a tough pattern which is not breaking down, chanting of this mantra will all make it easy and achievable
pracanda daityadarpaghne candike pranatayame|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||19||
My Salutations to Devi Chandika, Who is the Destroyer of the Terrible Demons with Mighty Pride,
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.Chant this mantra for destroying our inner enemies like pride,ego and give me spiritual growth and spiritual victory.
caturbhuje caturvaktra samstute paramesvari|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||20||
Salutations to the Supreme Goddess Durga, Who is Praised by Lord Brahma with all His Four Faces and all His Four Hands.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
This verse helps you to enhances the creativity.Artists like musicians, actors, singers, painters, and many other specified designers can chant this mantra because, this mantra is saying that the Lord of Creator, Lord Brahma worships Goddess Durga with his four hands and four faces.
krsnena samstute devi sasvadbhaktya sadambike
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||21||
Salutations to the Supreme Devi Ambika, Who is Always Praised by Lord Krishna with a Continuous Flow of Devotion.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
This verse chanted by lord Krishna for qualities of loving, caring, diplomacy, knowledge, wisdom, and cleverness, so one who chants this mantra with full devotion can have the qualities of Lord Krishna.
himacalasutanathasamstute paramesvari|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||22||
Salutations to the Supreme Goddess Durga, Who is Praised by the Lord of the Daughter of the Himachal Mountain (i.e. by Lord Shiva).
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
Those who chants this verse can acquire Lord Shiva’s qualities.Shiva is known both as the destroyer of evil and innocent like a child. Lord Shiva is very adjusting and at the same time tough too. Shiva is prayed by both good and evil. No one hates him. Lord Shiva is worshiped by all.
indrani patisadbhava pujite paramesvari|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||23||
Salutations to the Supreme Goddess Durga, Who is Worshipped with True Devotion by the Consort of Indrani (i.e. by Indra Deva).
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.
Those who chants this versewill become Indra.Indra is known as the leader of all Devas has the qualities and power of many Devas. Indra is the ruler of his Divine and immensely wealthy kingdom of HEAVEN. Those who worship Goddess Durga with this mantra can attain all the good qualities of Indra and also attain eternal money and wealth.
devi bhaktajanoddama dattanandodayeஉmbike|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||24||
Salutations to Devi Ambika, Who Gives Rise to an Upsurge of Unbounded Joy in the Hearts of the Devotees.
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.This verse gives you inner joy and light where you can have a peaceful, calm, thoughtless mind, and an enlightened soul.
idaṁ stōtram paṭhitvā tu mahāstōtram paṭhēnnaraḥ |
sa tu saptaśatīsaṅkhyāvaramāpnōti sampadām || 25 ||
O Devi, Please Grant me a Beautiful Wife matching my Mental Disposition,
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.This verse to find a compatible, understanding, and desired female as a life partner.Those who are married can also get benefited from this mantra because this mantra increases love between husband and wife.
tarinim durga samsara sagara syacalodbave|
rupam dehi jayam dehi yaso dehi dviso jahi ||26||
Salutations to Devi Durga, Who took Birth from Mountain (i.e. daughter of mountain king) and Who Enables us to Cross the Difficult Ocean of the Samsara (Worldly Existence).
O Devi, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Beauty, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Victory, Please Grant me (Spiritual) Glory and Please Destroy my (Inner) Enemies.In this verse the chanter prays goddess Durga ma Please destroy my inner enemies and give me spiritual glory.she will grants spiritual victory and destroys inner enemies.
idamstotram pathitva tu mahastotram pathennarah|
saptasatim samaradhya varamapnoti durlabham ||27||
Having Read this Stotra (i.e. the Argala Stotra), one should then Read the Great Stotra (i.e. the core Durga Saptashati),
This Stotra (i.e. Argala Stotra) is Equally Revered like the Saptashati; By Reading this with Devotion, one Obtains difficult to obtain Boons.
|| iti srī argala stotraṃ samaptam ||
Argala Stotram in Telugu:

శ్రీ అర్గలా స్తోత్రం
అస్యశ్రీ అర్గళా స్తోత్ర మంత్రస్య విష్ణుః ఋషిః| అనుష్టుప్ఛందః| శ్రీ మహాలక్షీర్దేవతా| మంత్రోదితా దేవ్యోబీజం|
నవార్ణో మంత్ర శక్తిః| శ్రీ సప్తశతీ మంత్రస్తత్వం శ్రీ జగదందా ప్రీత్యర్థే సప్తశతీ పఠాం గత్వేన జపే వినియోగః||
ఓం బంధూక కుసుమాభాసాం పంచముండాధివాసినీం|
స్ఫురచ్చంద్రకలారత్న ముకుటాం ముండమాలినీం||
త్రినేత్రాం రక్త వసనాం పీనోన్నత ఘటస్తనీం|
పుస్తకం చాక్షమాలాం చ వరం చాభయకం క్రమాత్||
దధతీం సంస్మరేన్నిత్యముత్తరామ్నాయమానితాం|
యా చండీ మధుకైటభాది దైత్యదళనీ యా మాహిషోన్మూలినీ
యా ధూమ్రేక్షన చండముండమథనీ యా రక్త బీజాశనీ|
శక్తిః శుంభనిశుంభదైత్యదళనీ యా సిద్ధి దాత్రీ పరా
సా దేవీ నవ కోటి మూర్తి సహితా మాం పాతు విశ్వేశ్వరీ||
ఓం నమశ్చండికాయై
మార్కండేయ ఉవాచ
ఓం జయత్వం దేవి చాముండే జయ భూతాపహారిణి|
జయ సర్వ గతే దేవి కాళ రాత్రి నమోஉస్తుతే ||1||
మధుకైఠభవిద్రావి విధాత్రు వరదే నమః
ఓం జయంతీ మంగళా కాళీ భద్రకాళీ కపాలినీ ||2||
దుర్గా శివా క్షమా ధాత్రీ స్వాహా స్వధా నమోஉస్తుతే
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||3||
మహిషాసుర నిర్నాశి భక్తానాం సుఖదే నమః|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||4||
ధూమ్రనేత్ర వధే దేవి ధర్మ కామార్థ దాయిని|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||5||
రక్త బీజ వధే దేవి చండ ముండ వినాశిని |
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||6||
నిశుంభశుంభ నిర్నాశి త్రైలోక్య శుభదే నమః
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||7||
వంది తాంఘ్రియుగే దేవి సర్వసౌభాగ్య దాయిని|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||8||
అచింత్య రూప చరితే సర్వ శతృ వినాశిని|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||9||
నతేభ్యః సర్వదా భక్త్యా చాపర్ణే దురితాపహే|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||10||
స్తువద్భ్యోభక్తిపూర్వం త్వాం చండికే వ్యాధి నాశిని
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||11||
చండికే సతతం యుద్ధే జయంతీ పాపనాశిని|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||12||
దేహి సౌభాగ్యమారోగ్యం దేహి దేవీ పరం సుఖం|
రూపం ధేహి జయం దేహి యశో ధేహి ద్విషో జహి ||13||
విధేహి దేవి కల్యాణం విధేహి విపులాం శ్రియం|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||14||
విధేహి ద్విషతాం నాశం విధేహి బలముచ్చకైః|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||15||
సురాసురశిరో రత్న నిఘృష్టచరణేஉంబికే|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||16||
విధ్యావంతం యశస్వంతం లక్ష్మీవంతంచ మాం కురు|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||17||
దేవి ప్రచండ దోర్దండ దైత్య దర్ప నిషూదిని|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||18||
ప్రచండ దైత్యదర్పఘ్నే చండికే ప్రణతాయమే|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||19||
చతుర్భుజే చతుర్వక్త్ర సంస్తుతే పరమేశ్వరి|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||20||
కృష్ణేన సంస్తుతే దేవి శశ్వద్భక్త్యా సదాంబికే|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||21||
హిమాచలసుతానాథసంస్తుతే పరమేశ్వరి|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||22||
ఇంద్రాణీ పతిసద్భావ పూజితే పరమేశ్వరి|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||23||
దేవి భక్తజనోద్దామ దత్తానందోదయేஉంబికే|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||24||
భార్యాం మనోరమాం దేహి మనోవృత్తానుసారిణీం|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||25||
తారిణీం దుర్గ సంసార సాగర స్యాచలోద్బవే|
రూపం దేహి జయం దేహి యశో దేహి ద్విషో జహి ||26||
ఇదంస్తోత్రం పఠిత్వా తు మహాస్తోత్రం పఠేన్నరః|
సప్తశతీం సమారాధ్య వరమాప్నోతి దుర్లభం ||27||
|| ఇతి శ్రీ అర్గలా స్తోత్రం సమాప్తమ్ ||
Argala Stotram in Devanagari:

॥ अथार्गलास्तोत्रम् ॥
ॐ अस्य श्रीअर्गलास्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य विष्णुर्ऋषिः,अनुष्टुप् छन्दः,
श्रीमहालक्ष्मीर्देवता, श्रीजगदम्बाप्रीतयेसप्तशतीपाठाङ्गत्वेन जपे विनियोगः॥
ॐ नमश्चण्डिकायै॥
मार्कण्डेय उवाच
ॐ जयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी।
दुर्गा क्षमा शिवा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोऽस्तु ते॥1॥
जय त्वं देवि चामुण्डे जय भूतार्तिहारिणि।
जय सर्वगते देवि कालरात्रि नमोऽस्तु ते॥2॥
मधुकैटभविद्राविविधातृवरदे नमः।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥3॥
महिषासुरनिर्णाशि भक्तानां सुखदे नमः।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥4॥
रक्तबीजवधे देवि चण्डमुण्डविनाशिनि।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥5॥
शुम्भस्यैव निशुम्भस्य धूम्राक्षस्य च मर्दिनि।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥6॥
वन्दिताङ्घ्रियुगे देवि सर्वसौभाग्यदायिनि।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥7॥
अचिन्त्यरुपचरिते सर्वशत्रुविनाशिनि।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥8॥
नतेभ्यः सर्वदा भक्त्या चण्डिके दुरितापहे।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥9॥
स्तुवद्भ्यो भक्तिपूर्वं त्वां चण्डिके व्याधिनाशिनि।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि१॥10॥
चण्डिके सततं ये त्वामर्चयन्तीह भक्तितः।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥11॥
देहि सौभाग्यमारोग्यं देहि मे परमं सुखम्।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥12॥
विधेहि द्विषतां नाशं विधेहि बलमुच्चकैः।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥13॥
विधेहि देवि कल्याणं विधेहि परमां श्रियम्।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥14॥
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥15॥
विद्यावन्तं यशस्वन्तं लक्ष्मीवन्तं जनं कुरु।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥16॥
प्रचण्डदैत्यदर्पघ्ने चण्डिके प्रणताय मे।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥17॥
चतुर्भुजे चतुर्वक्त्रसंस्तुते परमेश्वरि।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥18॥
कृष्णेन संस्तुते देवि शश्वद्भक्त्या सदाम्बिके।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥19॥
हिमाचलसुतानाथसंस्तुते परमेश्वरि।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥20॥
इन्द्राणीपतिसद्भावपूजिते परमेश्वरि।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥21॥
देवि प्रचण्डदोर्दण्डदैत्यदर्पविनाशिनि।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥22॥
देवि भक्तजनोद्दामदत्तानन्दोदयेऽम्बिके।
रुपं देहि जयं देहि यशो देहि द्विषो जहि॥23॥
पत्नीं मनोरमां देहि मनोवृत्तानुसारिणीम्।
तारिणीं दुर्गसंसारसागरस्य कुलोद्भवाम्॥24॥
इदं स्तोत्रं पठित्वा तु महास्तोत्रं पठेन्नरः।
स तु सप्तशतीसंख्यावरमाप्नोति सम्पदाम्॥25॥
॥ इति देव्या अर्गलास्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
Most Asked FAQs:
1.Which day should Saptashati be read?
A)Apart from one sitting recital, devotees read Devi mahatmya for three consecutive days: Prathama Charitra or 1st Chapter on first day, Madhyama Charitra (2, 3, 4 chapters) on 2nd day, and Uttama Charitra (5-13 chapters) on third day.
2.Who wrote Argala stotram?
A)Argala Stotram is the most famous prayer of Goddess Shakti (Durga) written by Markandeya Rishi. It has a twenty-six Verse. Before completing the Durga Saptasati (Devi Mahatmayam), in the first place, Goddess’s devotees generally chant this Stotram.
3.How many slokas are there in Devi Mahatmyam?
A)700 verses .Devi Mahatmya, consisting of 700 verses (Slokas), is considered to be the crown jewel of Markandeya Purana in the same way as Bhagavad Gita, also consisting of 700 verses, is considered the crown jewel of the greatest epic Mahabharata. The 700 verses are arranged in 13 chapters.
4.Why mantra is chanted 108 times?
A)A mala is used for counting as you repeat a mantra,Mathematicians of Vedic culture viewed 108 as a number of the wholeness of existence. This number also connects the Sun, Moon, and Earth: The average distance of the Sun and the Moon to Earth is 108 times their respective diameters.
5.Can I chant mantra for my son/my daughter?
A)Of course, a mother can chant any mantra for the benefits of her children. But before chanting any mantra, make sankalpa on the person name and chant mantra.
Books for Refer:
Have a Look on this Book Shri Durga Stotra Mala click here
Have a Look on this book STOTRA RATNAVALI (Pack of Two) click here
You Can Buy this book stand Poojan Bhadar Wooden Religious Item Hand Carved Holy Book Stand (10 Inch, Brown)
Durga Saptashati And Durga Calisa Premium Quality Book Stand (Hardcover, Hindi, Goswami Tulsidas)