Krimi Samhara Suktam Atharva Veda Germ Killing Mantra

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Krimi Samhara Suktam Atharva Veda Germ Killing Mantra

Krimi Samhara Suktam Atharva Veda Germ Killing Mantra

Krimi Samhara Suktam Atharva Veda Germ Killing Mantra- Krimi Nashana Suktam is a collection of hymns in the Vedas that are meant to destroy infection causing virus, bacteria or even insects. These hymns are potent enough to drive away the infections and heal the sick.

Hidden Secrets behind of  Krimi Samhara Suktam:

There is a special reason for chanting Krimi Samhara Suktam.The Atharvaveda is the oldest literary monument of Indian medicine. It is believed to be the origin of Ayurveda, the Indian science of medicine. There are a series of Mantras related to cure various physical and mental diseases. Another class of hymns includes prayers for protection from the bite of snakes or injurious insects. We find mention and application of medicines and medicinal herbs. This feature distinguishes the Atharvaveda from the rest of the Vedas.

The who is chanting Krimi Samhara Suktam and Mritasanjeevani mantra in the morning definitely easily overcome their stress levels.And overcomes their all diseases.By reciting the mantra by its powers/vibrations it will heal or keep away the virus from us and kills it.

Krimi Samhara Suktam with meanings:

creamy samhara suktam sanskrit:


(1-5 savita.pasavah.tristup,3uparistadviradbrhati,4bhuriganustup)

Indrasya ya mahi drsat krimervisvasya tarhani.
taya pinasmi sam krimin drsada khalva iva…1 # Av. 2.31.1 #

Drstamadrstamatrhamatho kururumantrham.
algandunstharvan chalunan krimin vacasa jambhayamasi..2 # Av. 2.31.2 #

अल्गण्डून् हन्मि महता वधेन दूना अदूना अरसा अभूवन्।

शिष्टानशिष्टन्नि तिरामि वाचा यथा क्रिमीणाम् नकिरुच्छिषातै॥ 3 Av. 2.31.3

algandun hanmi mahata vadhena duna aduna arasa abhuvan.
shishhtanashishhTanni tirami vaca yatha kriminam nakirucchhishhatai.. #3 Av. 2.31.3 #


I strike the insects causing itching, with great destructive weapon. All those insects, struck and burnt, have now become lifeless. With the Vaca herb, I destroy the lame one, fast moving and sluggish, so that none of the insects remain alive. -Av. 2.31.3

अवस्कवम् व्यध्वरम्क्रिमीन् वचसा जम्भयामसि॥ Av. 2.31.4

anvankrayam shirshhanyamatho parshhteyam krimin.
avaskavam vyadhvaramkrimin vacasa jambhayamasi.. # Av. 2.31.4 #


With the vaca herb, I destroy the worms that reside in bowels and intestines, in the head, or in the lungs, and the avaskava and the Bores worms that bounce and cause severe pain. -Av. 2.31.4.

ये क्रिमयः पर्वतेषु वनेष्वोधीषु पशुष्वप्स्वन्तः।

ये अस्माकम् तन्वमाविविशुः सर्वम् तद्धन्मि जनिम क्रिमीणाम्॥ Av. 2.31.5

ye krimayah parvateshhu vaneshhvodhIshhu pashushhvapsvantah.
ye asmakam tanvamavivishuh sarvam taddhanmi janima kriminam.. # Av. 2.31.5 #


The worms that are found in the hilly regions, in the forests, inside the animals and in waters, and have entered our bodies, I hereby destroy their entire generation. -Av. 2.31.5

In view of the COVID-19 Corono virus pandemic, let us all pray to the Divine with these mantras to alleviate the world of its affliction and bless us all with health and happiness.

Krimi Samhara Suktam in Telugu:

క్రిమి సంహారక సూక్తం చదవండి మహమ్మారిని తరిమికొట్టండి

Krimi Samhara Suktam in Telugu

Krimi Samhara Suktam in Telugu Visit
 Krimi Samhara Suktam in Telugu

Krimi are said to be Rakshasa meaning demon which eat raw meat.Concept of Krimi is explained broadly in ancient Indian literature and Ayurvedic texts. As described regarding worms in modern medical science, Krimi also manifest in any part of the body and causes multiple disorders.Krimi mainly grow in Kapha dominant sites and rapidly multiply in Kleda (grossly vitiated Kapha dosha) and Aam (undigested food).

What is Krimi Samhara Suktam?

The Atharva Veda (Atharvavedaḥ from atharvāṇas and veda, meaning “knowledge”) is the “knowledge storehouse of atharvāṇas, the procedures for everyday life”. Atharva Veda is a collection of 730 hymns with about 6,000 mantras, divided into 20 books(Kandas).

According to Patanjali, Atharvaveda had nine Shakhas, but the Samhita of the Atharvaveda is today available only in two rescensions  the Shaunaka and the Paippalada. It is the Shaunaka-Samhita that is frequently meant when the Atharvaveda is mentioned in ancient and modern literature.

Krimi Samhara Suktam with meanings in Telugu:

Krimi Samhara Suktam with meanings in Telugu
Krimi Samhara Suktam with meanings in Telugu
Krimi Samhara Suktam with meanings in Telugu Visit
Krimi Samhara Suktam with meanings in Telugu
Krimi Samhara Suktam with meanings in Telugu Visit
Krimi Samhara Suktam with meanings in Telugu

Benefits of Chanting  Krimi Samhara Suktam:

Krimi Samhara Suktam Benefits:

The verses in hymn gives us  Aayush, Aarogya, and Soukhyam. Protection from negative thoughts Overall happiness and stable mind,the knowledge on gaining immortality.By reciting the mantra by its powers/vibrations it will heal or keep away the virus from us and kills it.

Most asked FAQs :

1.Can women and children chant this Mantra?

A)Yes they can Chant.

2.What happens if we read Krimi Samhara Suktam Daily?

A)It is healing mantra.One can prevent untimely death by chanting this great Kavacham and it cures all. It gives us Good health, long life, mental peace, freedom from diseases.

3.How many times should i chant the Mantra for Siddhi?

A)1008 times

4.How do I attain ‘siddhi’ in  Mantra?should i make 1000 times Japa in one day?

A)Please do japa not on the count, if you count your concentration will be on count. Do japa daily once it reaches the 1000 you will automatically get siddhi.

5.How do you chant  Krimi Samhara Suktam for Someone else?

A)When doing for someone else, you have to name the person and purpose in the sankalp mantra. If you want to chant for someone simply make a mental commitment (sankalp) saying that you to help said person and that is why you want to chant. Also pray to the planet or deity to grant fruits of the chanting to said person.

6.If you are not able to read this Mantra what should you do?

A)Just listen this mantra and try to read after.

Books for Refer:

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Vedik Anti Viral Anti Bacterial Anti Covid Samharaka Suktam