Ashadha Gupta Navratri Mantra

Ashadha Gupta Navratri Mantra Visit
Ashadha Gupta Navratri Mantra

Ashadha Gupta Navratri Mantra

Varahi Mantram ,Varahi Anugrahashtakam, Varahi Nigrahashtakam,Ashadha Gupta Navratri Dates  given below.

What is Gupta Navratri:

The Navaratri celebrated in the month of Ashadha (June-July) is known as Ashadha Gupta Navratri. This Navaratri is also known as Gayatri Navratri and is considered very significant in Hindu religion.

Significance of Ashadha Gupta Navratri:

There are total 4 Navratris in Hinduism. Apart from Chaitra and Shardiya Navratri, Navratri is also celebrated in Magh and Ashadh months. The Navratri of Magh and Ashadha month is called Gupt Navratri. Gupt Navratri starts on Pratipada of Shukla Paksha of Ashadh month.

For more details check here Magha Gupta Navratri or Shyamala Navratri.

For More details check here Vasantha Navarathri|Chaitra Navratri

Ashad Navratri:  This Navratri, also known as Gupt Navratri (secret or unknown), is observed during the Shukla Paksha of Ashad month (June-July). It has great significance for Sadhaks (seekers) who practice Tantra Sadhana (practice). Sadhaks try to please the ten Mahavidyas (ten wisdom goddess) associated with the Tantra practice.  It marks the beginning of the monsoon. It is also known as Gayatri or Shakambhari Navratri.

Ashadha Gupta Navratri has special significance in Hinduism. Navratri falls in the month of Ashadh and is called Gupt Navratri or Shakambhari Navaratri. In Gupta Navratri, mainly Goddess Durga is worshiped for tantric accomplishments.

She grants all wishes, removes our ego and punishes all evil afflicting us.She offers immense protection and shields us from misery. She is always ready to strike down and correct our path, whenever we go astray. She will pave the way towards all our goals and helps us achieve the highest levels of spirituality as well as material success. Her boar face indicates that She can dig deep into our karmas and will remove all the hurdles affecting our success in all matters. Her vehicle mahiṣa/buffalo, represents the ego and inertness in a person to change and reset to the same old behavior, like a buffalo bathing in the same murky waters. She riding the buffalo represents Her ability to bring about the change within us and take us forward to spiritual and material heights.

Chant Other Varahi Devi Stotras and Mantras Sri Varahi Devi kavacham and Vasya Varahi Stotram , Kirata Varahi Stotram , Swapna Varahi Mantra and Benefits and Varahi Sahasranamam 1000 Names of Goddess Varahi , Varahamuki Stavam-Varahyanugraha Ashtakam , Very Powerful Varahi Dwadasa Nama Stotram 12 Names of Varahi

Varahi Navratri Date and Time:

Ashadha Gupta Navratri 2023 Date and Time:

Navratri Day 1

19th June 2023 Monday Pratipada
Ghatasthapana  Shailputri Puja

Navratri Day 2
20th June 2023 Tuesday Dwitiya

Brahmacharini Puja

Navratri Day 3

21st June 2023 Wednesday Tritiya

Chandraghanta Puja

Navratri Day 4

22nd June 2023 Thursday Chaturthi

Kushmanda Puja

Navratri Day 5

23rd June 2023 Friday Panchami

Skandamata Puja

Navratri Day 6

24th June 2023 Saturday Shashthi

Katyayani Puja

Navratri Day 7

25th June 2023 sunday Saptami

Kalaratri Puja

Navratri Day 8

26th June 2023 Monday  Ashtami

Durga Ashtami, Mahagauri Puja

Navratri Day 9

27th June 2023 Tuesday Navami

Siddhidatri Puja, Navratri Parana

Both tantric and satvik powers are worshiped in this Navratri. But for tantric accomplishments, many sages worship Maa Durga in this Gupta Navratri and perform rituals. That is why this Navratri holds special importance for sages and tantriks. According to religious beliefs, Maa Durga is worshiped in Gupt Navratri to prove Tantric Mahavidyas as well.

Gupt Navratri Pooja:

Throughout the holy days of Navratri, nine manifestations of the goddess are worshipped with much grandeur. They are Maa Shailputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmaanda, Skandmaata, Kaatyaayeenee, Kaalraatree, Mahagauri, and Sidhidaatree. On the first day of Gupt Navratri devotees worship an incarnation of Goddess Parvati named Shailputri.

According to Hinduism, 9 forms of Durga Maa are worshiped in Chaitra and Shardiya Navratri while 10 forms of Durga Mata are worshiped in Gupt Navratri. The 10 goddesses who are worshiped in Gupt Navratri are as follows. Mother Kali, Mother Tara Devi, Mother Tripura Sundari, Mother Bhuvaneshwari, Mother Chhinnamasta, Mother Tripura Bhairavi, Mother Dhumavati, Mother Baglamukhi, Mother Matangi, and Mother Kamala Devi.

Some of the devotees also observe fast during the 9-day Ashadha Gupt Navratri. They eat Saatvik food once during the day. During the Ashadha Gupt Navratri period, Hindu devotees chant mantras dedicated to Goddess Durga.

How to worship Goddess Varahi:

On the 1st day of Navratri, Ghatasthapana is done at an auspicious time. An idol or a picture of Goddess Durga is placed and worshipped by the devotees. Devotees offer various things like vermilion, saffron, camphor, barley, incense, clothes, mirrors, combs, bracelets, and bangles to the Goddess.  A havan is then performed on the last day of the Navaratri.

Other Names of Gupta Navratri:

Gupta Navratri is also called in several others names including Shakambari Navratri or Shakambari utsav ,Varahi Navratri ,Gayatri Navratri and Bhadrakali Navratri.

Ashada Navratri, also known as Gupt Navratri or Varahi Navratri, is a nine-day festival dedicated to Goddess Varahi Devi.By keeping fasts, and chanting shlokas and mantras, the devotees show their regard for the Goddess.

Benefits of Ashada-Gupta Navratri Puja:

Ashada Navratra Puja is famous in several parts of India for tantrik pooja. It is celebrated with primary intention to propitiate Shakti and to bestow upon us all wealth, prosperity, knowledge both sacred and secular, and all other required positive energies.

Goddess Durga is known for alleviation of distress; showing great kindness toward the distressed. A particular ritualistic worship of the Goddess is performed daily, along with the recitation of the Durga Saptashati.

Everyone is inspired to do the maximum number of japa of the Navarna Mantra: “Aim hreem kleem chaamundaayai vichche” or the mantra of their own tutelary god. Sincere spiritual devotees keep fast on all nine days, or at least once in each of the three three-day periods, by taking milk and fruits only.

Varahi Mantram:

Aim glaum aim namo bhagavati

vartali vartali

varahi varahi

varahamukhi varahamukhi

aim glaum 

thah thah

thah thah

hum phat swaha


Aum sri hrī klī dū jvālā jvālā śūliņī aśya yājamānaśya sarva śatrūn sa hara kšema lābha kuru kuru duš a graham hū pha svāhā.

Aum srim hrim kleem du jvala jvala sulini asya yajamanasya sarva satrun sa hara ksema labha kuru kuru dus a graham hu pha svaha.

Swapna Varahi Mantram:

Hreem namo varahi ghorey swapnam taha taha swaha

Varahi gayatri Mantram:

varahamukhyai vidmahe । dandanathayai dhimahi ।
tanno arghri pracodayat ॥

Varahi Anugrahashtakam:

Matha jagatdrachana natake suthra dhara,
Sadroopamakalyithum paramarthatho yam,
Eesopyameeswara padam sampaithi thadruk,
Konyasthavam kimiva thavaka madha dathu.

Namani kinthu granatha sthava loka thunde,
Nadambaram sprusathi danda dharasya dhanda,
Thallesa langitha bhavambu nidheeya thoyam,
Thannama samsmrutheriyam na puna sthuthisthe.

Twachinda nadarasamulla sada prameya,
Nandhodayath samuditha sphuta roma harsha,
Mathar namami sudithani sadhetyamum thwa,
Mabhyarthayerthamithi poorayathadhayalo.

Indrendu mouli vidhi kesava mouli rathna,
Rochischayojjwallitha pada saroja yugme,
Chethonathou mama sada prathibimbitha thwam,
Bhooya bhavani bhava nasini bhavaye thwaam.

Lelodrutha kshithi thalasya varahamoorther,
Varaha moorthirakhilartha kari thwameva,
Praaleya rasmisukalollasithavathamsa,
Thwam devi vamathanu bhagahara harasya.

Thamambha thaptha kanakojjwala kanthi mantha,
Aarye chinthayanthi yuvathi thanu magaalaantham,
Chakrayudhm trinayanam vara pathri vakthram,
Thesham padambhuja yugam pramanthi deva.

Thwath sevana skhalitha papachayasya matha,
Mokshopi yasya na satho gananam upaithi,
Devasuroraga nrupoojitha pada peeta,
Kasya sriya sa khalu bhajanatham ne dathe.

Kim dushkaram thwayi mano vishayam gathayam,
Kim durlabham thwayi vidhanu vadarchithayam,
Kim durbharam thwayi sakruth smruthi magathayam,
Kim durjayam thwayi krutha sthuthi vada pumsam.

Varahi Nigrahashtakam:

Devi, kroda mukhithwadangri kamala dwandwa anurakthathmane,
Mahyam druhyathi yo mahesi manasa kayenna vacha nara,
Thasyasu thwadaogra nishtoorahala gatha prabhootha vyadha,
Paryasyan manaso bhavanthu vapusha prana prayanonmukha., 1

Hey goddess, Who is with a very angry face,
Since I have devotion to your lotus like feet,
Any one who thinks of troubling me, by body, words or mind,
Should become extremely sad, beaten by your very dangerous iron plough,
And should become one from whose body the Soul starts to depart.

Devi thwad pada padma bhakthi vibhava praksheena dushkarmani,
Pradhur bhootha nrusamsa bhava malinam, vruthim vidathe mayi,
Yo dehi bhuvane thadheeya hrudayannir gathwarair lohithai,
Sadhya poorayase karabhja chashakam, vanchaphalair mamapi., 2

Hey goddess because I have lost all sins due to devotion to your lotus like feet,
He who observes dirty behavior towards me due to cruelty,
Should fill your drinking goblet by the blood of his heart,
And also please grant me all my desired objectives.

Chandothunda vidheerna dushta hrudaya prad binna raktha cchata,
Halapana madhattahasa ninadhatopa prathapathkatam,
Matharmath paripandhi namapahruthai, pranaisthwadangridhwayam,
Dhyan- oddamara vaibhavodaya vasath, sandharpayami kshaanath., 3

Because of meditating on you, after the great wonderful,
Powers which have dawned in me,
I offer at your feet the souls of my evil enemies, which were stolen by me,
By drinking the alcohol of their constant spurt of blood,
Caused by breaking the hearts of my enemies by your fierce and upturned face,
Accompanied by horrifying shouts which,
Emanates due to your zest from you from time to time.

Shyamam thamarasananaamgri nayanam somardha choodam jagath,
Thrana vyagra halayudhaagramusalam santhra samudhravareem,
Ye thwam raktha kapalineem hara varaarohe varahananam,
Bhavai sandhadathe kadham kshanamapi prananthi thesham dwisham., 4

How can the enemies of those extremely devoted to you.
Who is black, who has lotus like feet and face,
Who wears the crescent of the moon,
Who caries with her a plough and an axe
As well the sign of terrorizing fear,
Who carries blood dripping skulls,
And who has the face of a wild boar,
Live for at least a few seconds?

Viswadheeswara vallabhe vijayase yaa thwam niyanthrathmika,
Bhoothaanam purushayushaavdhi karee paka pradha karmanaam,
Thwam yache bhavatheem kimapya vithadham ko madhvirodhi jana,
Sthyayurmama vanchithavadhi bhaven mathasthavaivagnaya., 5

Victory to you, Mother, who is,
The darling of the lord of the universe,
Who controls the lives of all beings,
Who also exists as the killer of all beings,
Who controls the span of life of all men,
And who grants suitable rewards for action performed.
I request you Oh Goddess, that the life span of my enemies,
Should be as long as I desire, based on your orders.

Matha samyagupasithum jadamathisthwam naiva saknomyaham,
Yadhapya anwitha daisikangri kamalanukrosa pathrasya may,
Jandhu kaschana chinthayathya kusalam yasthasya thadvaisasam,
Bhooya devi virodhino mama cha they sreya pada sangina., 6

Oh mother, as I am a fool, I am not capable of,
Properly worshipping you at any time,
Still having received the blessings of my guru,
I pray that any one who wishes bad things for me,
Should go to hell as he is my enemy,
And also pray that all the fame should come to me,
As I am a great devotee of yours.

Varahi vyadha mana manasa galath soukhyam thadasa balim,
Seedantham yama prakruthadhya vasitham prapthakhilolpathitham,
Krantha- th bandhu janai kalam kitha kalam kandavrunodhyath krumeem,
Pasyami prathiakshamasu pathitham brantham ludantham muhoo., 7

Hey Varahi, I who am devoted to you,
Should see my enemy with a sad mind,
Full of disappointment, very feeble and tired,
Made scared by the servants of god of death,
Full of all miseries and liabilities,
Surrounded by crying relatives,
And only contributing blemishes to his family.

Varahi thwamasesha janthushu puna pranathmika spandhase,
Shakthi vyaptha charachara khalu yathasthwamethadhabhyarthaye,
T- hwath padambhuja sangino mama sukruth papam chikeershayanthi ye,
Thesham mama kuru Sankara priyathame, dehantharava sthitham., 8

Hey Varahi, Because of the fact that,
By your own power you have spread yourself,
In all beings and you exist as the form,
Of Soul in all beings and make them throb,
I request a favour from you,
If any one wishes any bad things on me,
Who is the devotee of your lotus like feet,
You should not live within him any further.

Foods for Navratri Fasting: During the fast of Navratras, foods like Sabudana Vada (Sago Vada), Sabudana khichadi (Sago Khichadi), Singhare Ka Halwa (Water Chestnut Flour Halwa), Kuttu Ki Poori (Grass Seed Flour or Buckwheat poori), and Singhare Ke Pakore are preferred for eating.

The science behind Navratri Celebration:

When climate changes, the body is affected and it gets more prone to different kinds of bacteria. This leads to various mental disorders as well as health problems. To prevent these unwanted situations ancestors had created the system of Navratri. Scientifically when climate changes, the negative impacts affect female brains the most. Females become psychologically more weak and reactive. The ones who already have mental disorders face major problems during Saptami. To eradicate these problems ancestors had invented the process of Navratri where fasting is the major requirement. Our ancient solutions say that mental disorders happen due to problem indigestion or food habits.

Hence, it is advised to consider keeping fast or eating in small quantities, throughout the period of Navratri. It is better if you can follow the process of fasting or minimal eating in the fou Navratri’s as it will keep you extremely fit and attract positive energies towards you.