Saraswathi Kavacham Vishwavijaya Kavacham

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Saraswathi Kavacham Vishwavijaya Kavacham

Saraswathi Kavacham Vishwavijaya Kavacham

Auspicious Saraswathi Kavacham is also known as Vishwavijaya Kavacham.Chant this kavacham  daily 3 times in a day mantra siddhi happen when you reach 1108.It helps you in grasp studies,memory, to become topper in the passionate field,to become talkative,to overcome Using intellect in the wrong way.This is wonderful auspicious Saraswathi mantra that changes lives.

Who is Saraswathi Devi:

Saraswati is the daughter of Lord Shiva and Goddess Durga. It is believed that goddess Saraswati endows human beings with the powers of speech, wisdom and learning. She has four hands representing four aspects of human personality in learning: mind, intellect, alertness and ego.

She has sacred scriptures in one hand and a lotus is the symbol of true knowledge in the second.

With her other two hands she plays the music of love and life on a string instrument called the Veena. She is dressed in white the symbol of purity and rides on a white swan symbolizing Satwah Guna or purity and discrimination. Saraswati is also a prominent figure in Buddhist iconography the consort of Manjushree.

The learned and the erudite attach greater importance to the worship of goddess Saraswati. As a practice, only educated people worship her for knowledge and wisdom. They believe that only Saraswati can grant them ‘moksha’ the final liberation of the soul.

Saraswati’s birthday Vasant Panchami is a Hindu festival celebrated every year on the 5th day of the bright fortnight of the lunar month of Magha. Hindus celebrate this festival with great fervor in temples, homes and educational institutes alike.

Who wrote Saraswathi Kavacham:

Brahma told Bhrigu that he was giving a Kavacha of Saraswati which was the essence of Shrutis, which was sonorous to the ears, proposed in Vedas and fully approved. Raaseshwara Bhagavan Shri Krishna in Goloka where Raasamandalis were in progress preached this Kavacha which was confidential and unheard by anybody earlier. Shukraachaarya became worthy of worship by all Daityas due to this Kavacha. Brihaspati’s mental sharpness came about due to the power of this. Valmiki came to be known as a ‘Kaveeswara’ only due to the might of this Kavacha. Swayambhu Manu came to be revered due to its constant Recitation. The famous writers viz. Kanaad, Gautam, Kanva, Panini, Shaakataayan, Daksha and Kaatyaayana gained reputation due to this Kavacha. So did Veda Vyasa, Shatatapa, Samvarta, Vasishtha, Paraashara, Yaagnyavakya, Rishya -shringa, Bharadwaja, Devala, Jaigeeshya, and Jaabaali scripted their masterpieces by power of the recitation of this ‘Kavacha’

Benefits of Kavacham:

This auspicious Saraswathi Kavacham is a prayer made to the goddess for protecting our body mainly the organs which give us knowledge. Goddess Saraswati being Goddess of knowledge, arts, success and victory, devotees praise her and ask for protection and blessings. Name of this kavacham is Vishwajay (world victory).

And to Solve these problems:

1) Not able to grasp studies

2) Not able to memorize

3) Not talkative

4) Using intellect in the wrong way

5) Not able to become topper in the passionate field

Saraswathi Kavacham in English:

Asya sri Saravanthio kavacha stotra maha manthrasya , samyogeswara rishi , Anushtup chandha, Sri Saraswathi devatha, Sri Saraswathi prasada sidhyarthe jape viniyogaFor the great prayer called “The armour of Saraswathi”, the saint is Samyogeswara , Meter is Anushtup, the goddess addressed is Saraswathi and this is being sung for obtaining the grace of Goddess Saraswathi.


Srimad chandana charcithojjwala vapu, Shuklambara mallika-
Malaa laalitha , kunthalaa pravilasad mukthavali shobhitha,
Sarva Jnana nidhana pusthaka dara, Rudraksha malangitha,
Vagdevi vadanambhuje vasathu may , trilokya mathaa shubhaa.

Meaning :Meditative prayer
She who is the mother of the three worlds, with a shining body coated with sandal paste,
Wearing white silk , wearing the garland of jasmine , wearing a shining head gear ,
Shining in a nose ring , holding a book containing all knowledge ,
Wearing a garland of Rudraksha is the Goddess of speech and I live in her lotus like face,


1.Omkaro may sira pathu, Imkara pathu may mukham,
Sakara pathu may nethre , rakara srothra yugmakam

Meaning :
Let “Om” protect my head , “Iym” protect my face ,
“sa” protect my eyes and “ra” protect my two ears.

2.Swakaro nasikaam pathu traikao ganda yugmagam,
Nakara pathwoshta yugmakam , makao dandha panmkthim.

Meaning :
Let “Swa” protect my nose , “Trai” protect both my cheeks,
“Na” protect my lips , “Ma” protect my teeth.

3.Jihwam vidhyaakalaa pathum , vacham vagdevatha mama,
Kantam may suswara pathu , vaksha karunya manasa.

Meaning :
Let the crescent of knowledge protect my toungue,
Let the goddess of word protect my words ,
Let she with a musical voice protect my neck,
And let her with a mind of mercy protect my breast.

4.Hasthou pusthakahastha may, kukshim vatadalodhara,
Katim kanaka vasthradya , ooru ramborukaa mama.

Meaning :
Let my hands be protected by her who holds a book,
Let my abdomen be protected by her with a belly like a banyan leaf,
Let my waist be protected by her who wears golden cloths ,
And let my thigh be protected by her who has thighs like Rambha

5.Guhyam sugopya bheejadyaa , padhou pathu nathamaraa,
Sarvangam sarvadhaa pathu sarva poojya Saraswathi,

Meaning :
Let my private parts be protected by her whose root chant is secret,
Let my feet be protected by her whose devotees are devas,
And let all my limbs be always protected by her,
Who is the always worshipped Goddess Saraswathi.

6.Bharathi kavacham punyam padathaam sarva sidhidham,
Sarva vidhyapradham sreshtam kumathi dwandha bhaskaram.

Meaning :
This armour of Saraswathi is holy and by reading it everything can be achieved.
And it blesses you will all knowledge and it is great and like a sun which enlightens the bad ones.

Saraswathi Kavacham sampoornam
Thus ends the armour of Saraswathi


1. Brahma is telling to Viprendra: Rushi of this kavacham is Prajapati. Chanda is Bruhati. Goddess mother Sharda is goddess of this kavacham. All type of knowledge, poetry, philosophy, writing, literature publication and acquiring proficiency in that and for making available such knowledge to the people; this kavacham is used.

2.I am offering oblation (sacrifice) to Goddess Saraswati who is in the form of Shrim, Hrim and asking her to protect my head from all the sides. I am asking Om Shrim Goddess Vakdevata (Saraswati) by offering oblation; to protect my forehead. I am always asking Goddess Om Hrim Bhagavati Saraswati by offering oblation; to protect my ears. I am asking Om Shrim, Hrim Goddess Bharati (Saraswati) by offering oblation; to protect my both eyes.

3. I am asking Goddess Vakvagini (Saraswati) who is in the form of Aem, Hrim by offering oblation; to protect my nose from all sides. I am offering oblation (sacrifice) to Goddess Vidya (Saraswati) who is in the form of Om Hrim and asking her to protect my lips. I am offering oblation (sacrifice) to Goddess Om Shrim, Hrim Bhagwati Brahmi (Saraswati) and asking her to protect my teeth. Aem is the one letter Mantra of Goddess Saraswati. I am requesting that mantra to always protect my throat.

4. I am asking Goddess Vakvagini (Saraswati) who is in the form of Om, Shrim, and Hrim by offering oblation; to protect my shoulders and throat from all sides. I am asking Goddess Vidya (Saraswati) who is in the form of Om, Shrim by offering oblation; to protect my chest. I am asking Goddess Saraswati who is in the form of Vidya by offering oblation; to protect my naval. I am asking Goddess Saraswati who is in the form of Vidya by offering oblation; to always protect my back from all sides.

5. I am asking Goddess Vani (Saraswati) who is in the form of Om Shrim, Hrim and Klim by offering oblation; to protect my hands. I am asking Goddess Bhagwati Sarvatmika (Saraswati) who is in the form of Om and Klim by offering oblation; to protect my feet. I am asking Goddess Vani (Saraswati) by offering oblation; to protect my body and everything. I am asking Goddess Om Swaroopa (Saraswati) who resides in everybody’s throat to protect me from east. I am asking Goddess Om Hrim Swaroopa (Saraswati) who is always on the tip of the tongue to protect me from south-east.

6. The Mantra, “Om Aem, Hrim, Shrim Saraswatyai Budhajananyai swaahaa “is called as Mantraraj (king among the Mantras). I request this mantra to protect me from south. The Mantra, “Aem, Hrim, Shrim is a three letter Mantra. I request this mantra to protect me from south-west. I am asking Goddess Om Swaroopa (Saraswati) who resides on tip of tongue of poets, to protect me from west.

7. I am asking Goddess Om Swaroopa Bhagwati Sarvambika (Saraswati) by offering oblation, to protect me from north-east. I am asking Goddess Om Aem Shrimayi Bhagwati (Saraswati) who is always there in the poetry and literature, by offering oblation, to protect me from north. I am asking Goddess Aem Swaroopa (Saraswati) who is always there in all sciences, by offering oblation, to protect me from north-west. I am asking Goddess Om Hrim Swaroopa (Saraswati) who is worshiped by everybody, by offering oblation, to protect me from above.

8. I am asking Goddess Aem, Hrim Swaroopa (Saraswati) who is always there in literature (books), by offering oblation, to protect me from down (the nadir). I am asking Goddess Om Swaroopa (Saraswati) who is root of literature(books), by offering oblation, to protect me from all (ten including Above and Down) directions (sides). O! Vipra, I have told you this Vishwajay kavacham which is a collection of many Brahma Mantras.

9. Long back this was told by my father Dharmadev on the mountain Gandhamadan. You are my disciple and hence I told the kavacham to you. Don’t tell the kavacham to everybody (who is not the right person to hear it). Wise devotees are advised to worship his Guru by offering him Sandal, Gandha (Sandal pest) and ornaments and then bowing to the Guru, devotee can start reciting this kavacham.

10. By reciting this kavacham for five million times by the devotee; he can experience the power of kavacham and becomes like Bruhaspati (very wise ad knowledgeable person). By blessings of this Kavacham the devotee becomes a good orator, poet and victorious. Such devotee can win all the people.

Thus here completes this Saraswati Kavacham called as Vishwajaya and which is from Brahmavaivarta Poorana.

Saraswathi Kavacham in Telugu:

శ్రీ సరస్వతీ కవచము

1. శ్రీం హ్రీం సరస్వత్యై స్వాహా, శిరోమేపాతు సర్వతః

            శ్రీ వాగ్దేవతాయై స్వాహా, ఫాలం మే సర్వదా వతు ||

2. ఓం హ్రీం సరస్వత్యై స్వాహేతి, శ్రోత్రేపాతు నిరంతరమ్

            ఓం శ్రీం హ్రీం భగవత్యై సరస్వత్యై స్వాహా, నేత్రయుగ్మం సదావతు ||

3. ఐం హ్రీం వాగ్వాదిన్యై స్వాహా, నాసాంమే సర్వదావతు

            హ్రీం విద్యాధిష్ఠాతృదేవ్యై స్వాహా చౌష్ఠం సదావతు ||

4. ఓం శ్రీం హ్రీం బ్రాహ్య్మ స్వాహేతి దంతపంక్తిం సదావతు

            ఐమిత్యేకాక్షరో మంత్రో మమకంఠం సదావతు ||

5. ఓం శ్రీం హ్రీం పాతుమేగ్రీవాం, స్కంధౌమే శ్రీం సదావతు

           ఓం హ్రీం విద్యాధిష్ఠాతృదేవ్యై స్వాహావక్షః సదావతు ||

6. ఓం హ్రీం విద్యాధి స్వరూపాయై స్వాహా మే పాతునాభికామ్

            ఓం హ్రీం క్లీం వాణ్యై స్వాహేతి, మమహస్తౌ సదావతు||

7. ఓం సర్వవర్ణాత్మికాయై పాదయుగ్మం సదావతు

           ఓం వాగధిష్ఠాతృ దేవ్యై స్వాహా సర్వం సదావతు ||

8. ఓం సర్వకంఠ వాసిన్యై స్వాహా ప్రాచ్యాం సదావతు

           ఓం సర్వజిహ్వాగ్ర వాసిన్యై స్వాహాగ్నిదిశి రక్షతు ||

9. ఓం ఐం హ్రీం క్లీం సరస్వత్యై బుధజనన్యై స్వాహా

            సతతం మంత్రరాజోయం దక్షిణే మాం సదావతు ||

10. ఐం హ్రీం శ్రీం త్ర్యక్షరో మంత్రో, నైరృత్యాం సర్వదావతు

            ఓం ఐం జిహ్వాగ్రవాసిన్యై స్వాహామాం వారుణేవతు ||

11. ఓం సర్వాంబికాయై స్వాహా, వాయవ్యే మాం సదావతు

           ఓం ఐం శ్రీం క్లీం గద్యవాసిన్యై స్వాహా మాముత్తరేవతు||

12. ఐం సర్వ శాస్త్ర వాసిన్యై స్వాహైశాన్యాం సదావతు

           ఓం హ్రీం సర్వ పూజితాయై స్వాహా చోర్థ్యం సదావతు ||

13. ఓం హ్రీం పుస్తక వాసిన్యై స్వాహా ధో మాం సదావతు

            ఓం గ్రంథ బీజస్వరూపాయై స్వాహా మాం సర్వతోవతు ||

14.ఇదం విశ్వజయం నామ కవచం బ్రహ్మరూపకమ్ ||

            పంచలక్ష జపేనైవ సిద్ధంతు కవచంభవేత్ ||

            యది స్యాత్ సిద్ధకవచో, బృహస్పతి సమోభవేత్ ||

Saraswati kavacham benefits:

ఈ సరస్వతీ కవచాన్ని రోజూ మూడుపూటలా పారాయణ చేస్తే జ్ఞానం కలుగుతుంది. తన జీవితంలో 5 లక్షల పారాయణ చేసిన వాడు బృహస్పతితో సమానుడౌతాడు. ఈ కవచం అక్షరాభ్యాస సమయంలో పారాయణ చేయిస్తే పిల్లలకు మంచి విద్య లభిస్తుంది.

Saraswathi Kavach in Devanagari/Sanskrit:

सरस्वती कवच

कवचस्यास्य विप्रेन्द्र ऋषिरेव प्रजापतिः ।

स्वयं छन्दश्र्च बृहती देवता शारदाम्बिका ॥ १ ॥

१) या कवचाचे ऋषि स्वतः प्रजापति आहेत. याचा छंद बृहती आहे. देवता शारदाम्बिका आहे.

सर्वतत्वपरिज्ञानसर्वार्थ साधनेषु च ।

कवितासु च सर्वासु विनियोगः प्रकीर्तितः ॥ २ ॥

२) सर्व तत्वांचे संपूर्ण ज्ञान, सर्व अर्थची साधनें आणि कविता शक्ति यांच्या प्राप्ती करतां याचा विनियोग सांगितला आहे.

ॐ श्रीं हृीं सरस्वत्यै स्वाहा शिरो मे पातु सर्वतः ।

ॐ श्रीं वाग्देवतायै स्वाहा भालं मे सर्वदाऽवतु ॥ ३ ॥

३) ॐ श्रीं हृीं सरस्वत्यै स्वाहा माझ्या डोक्याचे सर्व बाजूंनी रक्षण करो.

ॐ श्रीं वाग्देवतायै स्वाहा माझ्या कपाळाचे सर्वदा रक्षण करो.

ॐ र्‍हीं सरस्वत्यै स्वाहेति श्रोत्रे पातु निरन्तरम् ।

ॐ श्रीं र्‍हीं भगवत्यै स्वाहा नेत्रयुग्मं सदाऽवतु ॥ ४ ॥

४) ॐ हृीं सरस्वत्यै स्वाहा माझ्या कानांचे रक्षण करो.

ॐ श्रीं हृीं भगवत्यै स्वाहा माझ्या दोन्ही डोळ्यांचे रक्षण करो.

ॐ एैं र्‍हीं वाग्वादिन्यै स्वाहा नासां मे सर्वदाऽवतु ।

ॐ र्‍हीं विद्याधिष्ठातृदेव्यै स्वाहा ओष्ठं सदाऽवतु ॥ ५ ॥

५) ॐ एैं हृीं वाग्वादिन्यै स्वाहा माझ्या नाकाचे नेहमी रक्षण करो.

ॐ हृीं विद्याधिष्ठातृदेव्यै स्वाहा माझ्या ओठांचे नेहमी रक्षण करो.

ॐ श्रीं र्‍हीं ब्राह्नण्यै स्वाहेति दन्तपंक्तिं सदाऽवतु ।

ॐ ऐमित्येकाक्षरो मन्त्रो मम कण्ठं सदाऽवतु ॥ ६ ॥

६) ॐ श्रीं ब्राह्मण्यै स्वाहा माझ्या दातांचे रक्षण करो.

ॐ ऐं हा मंत्र माझ्या कंठाचे नेहमी रक्षण करो.

ॐ श्री र्‍हीं पातु मे ग्रीवां स्कन्धौ मे ॐ श्रीं सदाऽवतु ।

ॐ विद्याधिष्ठातृदेव्यै स्वाहा वक्षः सदाऽवतु ॥ ७ ॥

७) ॐ श्रीं हृीं माझ्या मानेचे नेहमी रक्षण करो.

ॐ श्रीं माझ्या खांद्यांचे नेहमी रक्षण करो.

ॐ विद्याधिष्ठातृदेव्यै स्वाहा माझ्या वक्षांचे नेहमी रक्षण करो.

ॐ र्‍हीं विद्यास्वरुपायै स्वाहा मे पातु नाभिकाम् ।

ॐ र्‍हीं क्लीं वाण्यै स्वाहेति मम हस्तौ सदाऽवतु ॥ ८ ॥

८) ॐ हृीं विद्यास्वरुपायै स्वाहा माझ्या नाभीचे नेहमी रक्षण करो.

ॐ हृीं क्लीं वाण्यै स्वाहा माझ्या दोन्ही हातांचे रक्षण करो.

ॐ सर्ववर्णात्मिकायै स्वाहा पादयुग्मं सदाऽवतु ।

ॐ वाग्धिष्ठातृदेव्यै स्वाहा सर्वं सदाऽवतु ॥ ९ ॥

९) ॐ सर्ववर्णात्मिकायै स्वाहा माझ्या दोन्ही पायांचे नेहमी रक्षण करो.

ॐ वाग्धिष्ठतृदेव्यै स्वाहा माझ्या सर्वांगाचे नेहमी रक्षण करो.

ॐ सर्वकंठवासिन्यै स्वाहा प्राच्यां सदाऽवतु ।

ॐ सर्वजिह्वाग्रवासिन्यै स्वाहाऽग्निदिशिं रक्षतु सर्वदा ॥ १० ॥

१०) ॐ सर्वकंठवासिन्यै स्वाहा माझे पूर्वेकडून रक्षण करो.

ॐ सर्वजिह्वाग्रवासिन्यै स्वाहा माझे आग्नेय दिशेकडून रक्षण करो.

ॐ ऐं र्‍हीं श्रीं क्लीं सरस्वत्यै बुधजनन्यै स्वाहा ।

सततं मन्त्रराजोऽयं दक्षिणे मां सदाऽवतु ॥ ११ ॥

११) ॐ ऐं हृीं श्रीं क्लीं सरस्वत्यै बुधजनन्यै स्वाहा हा मंत्रराज माझे दक्षिणेला रक्षण करो.

ॐ ऐं र्‍हीं श्रीं त्र्यक्षरो मन्त्रो नैर्ऋत्यां सर्वदाऽवतु ।

ॐ ऐं जिह्वाग्रवासिन्यै स्वाहा मां वारुणेऽवतु ॥ १२ ॥

१२) ॐ ऐं हृीं श्रीं हा तीन अक्षरी मंत्र माझे नैर्ऋत्येला रक्षण करो.

ॐ ऐं जिह्वाग्रवासिन्यै स्वाहा माझे पश्र्चिमेला रक्षण करो.

ॐ सर्वाम्बिकायै स्वाहा वायव्ये मां सदाऽवतु ।

ॐ ऐ श्रीं क्लीं गद्यवासिन्यै स्वाहा मामुत्तरेऽवतु ॥ १३ ॥

१३) ॐ सर्वाम्बिकायै स्वाहा माझे वायव्येला रक्षण करो.

ॐ ऐं श्रीं क्लीं गद्यवासिन्यै स्वाहा माझे उत्तरेला रक्षण करो.

ॐ ऐं सर्वशास्त्रवासिन्यै स्वाहेशान्यां सदाऽवतु ।

ॐ र्‍हीं सर्वपूजितायै स्वाहा चोर्ध्वं सदाऽवतु ॥ १४ ॥

१४) ॐ ऐं सर्वशास्त्रवासिन्यै स्वाहा माझे ईशान्येला रक्षण करो.

ॐ हृीं सर्व पूजितायै स्वाहा माझे उर्ध्वेकडून नेहमी रक्षण करो.

ॐ र्‍हीं पुस्तकवासिन्यै स्वाहाऽधो मां सदाऽवतु ।

ॐ ग्रन्थबीजम्स्वरुपायै स्वाहा मां सर्वतोऽवतु ॥ १५ ॥

१५) ॐ हृीं पुस्तकवासिन्यै स्वाहा माझे अध (खालची दिशा) दिशेला नेहमी  रक्षण करो.

ॐ ग्रंथबीज स्वरुपायै स्वाहा माझे नेहमी सगळीकडे रक्षण करो.

इति ते कथितं विप्र ब्रह्ममन्त्रौघविग्रहम् ।

इदं विश्रजयं नाम कवचं ब्रह्मरुपकम् ॥ १६ ॥

१६) हे विप्रा, मी तुला हे विश्र्वजय नावाचे कवच सर्व विग्रहासह सांगितले.


या कवचाच्या पठणाने सरस्वतीच्या कृपेने भक्ताच्या सर्व इच्छा पूर्ण होतात. शुचिर्भूत होऊन प्रथम गणपति पूजन नंतर सरस्वतीची पूजा व ध्यान करावे. नंतर “श्रीं हृीं सरस्वत्यै स्वाहा ” ह्या मंत्राचा १०८ वेळा जप करुन कवच पठनास आरंभ करावा.