Vehicle Purchase Auspicious Dates with Timings

Vehicle Purchase Auspicious Dates with Muhurat Timings Visit
Vehicle Purchase Auspicious Dates with Muhurat Timings

Vehicle Purchase Auspicious Dates with Muhurat Timings in 2023

People who wants to purchase any vehicles and houses on auspicious day or People get married at particular auspicious hours,some people who are making engagement ceremony on particular time and and even prefer naming a baby at a particular hour.We are solving your problem.Don’t pay anyone just check the date and muhurt timing here we are providing auspicious date,day,muhurt,nakshatra, thithi and Rahu kaal(which time period you should leave).

Which day is good day to buy vehicle in 2022. Auspicious day for Vehicle delivery 2022 in different may have many doubts when should i can take car delivery which muhurt is good in 2022 for this doubt check here.

Days and dates when you can perform a Pooja and day and dates when you can buy a vehicle. You can find today’s shubh muhurat for vehicle pooja here in the below.Not only cars, you can also try bikes and other vehicles like trucks, tractors and lorries,travel bus. The bike purchase muhurat is not different from the auspicious day to buy a car. Please refer to the vehicle buying muhurat in 2022 below.

Vehicle Buying Muhurats in January 2022:

January 5, 2022, WednesdayShravana, DhanishthaTritiya
January 6, 2022, ThursdayShatabhishaPanchami
January 9, 2022, SundayRevatiAshtami
January 17, 2022, MondayPunarvasu, PushyaPurnima, Pratipada
January 23, 2022, SundayHastaShashthi

Vehicle Buying Muhurats in February 2022:

February 3, 2022, ThursdayShatabhishaTritiya
February 6, 2022, SundayRevatiShashthi
February 10, 2022, ThursdayRohini, MrigashirshaDashami
February 11, 2022, FridayMrigashirshaDashami, Ekadashi
February 13, 2022, SundayPunarvasuTrayodashi
February 14, 2022, MondayPunarvasu, PushyaTrayodashi
February 20, 2022, SundayChitraPanchami
February 21, 2022, MondayChitra, SwatiPanchami, Shashthi
February 23, 2022, WednesdayAnuradhaAshtami
February 24, 2022, ThursdayAnuradhaAshtami
February 28, 2022, MondayShravanaTrayodashi

Vehicle Buying Muhurats in March 2022:

March 10, 2022, ThursdayRohini, MrigashirshaAshtami
March 13, 2022, SundayPunarvasu, PushyaDashami, Ekadashi
March 14, 2022, MondayPushyaEkadashi
March 20, 2022, SundayChitra, SwatiTritiya
March 23, 2022, WednesdayAnuradhaShashthi
March 27, 2022, SundayShravanaDashami, Ekadashi
March 28, 2022, MondayShravana, DhanishthaEkadashi
March 30, 2022, WednesdayShatabhishaTrayodashi

Vehicle Buying Muhurats in April 2022:

April 6, 2022WednesdayRohini, Mrigashirsha, Panchami, Shashthi
April 7, 2022ThursdayMrigashirsha,Shashthi
April 17, 2022SundayChitra, Swati,Pratipada
April 25, 2022MondayDhanishtha, Shatabhisha,Dashami, Ekadashi
April 28, 2022ThursdayRevati, Trayodashi

Vehicle Buying Muhurats in May 2022:

May 6, 2022FridayPunarvasu,Panchami, Shashthi
May 13, 2022FridayHasta, Chitra,Trayodashi
May 16, 2022MondayAnuradha,Pratipada
May 22, 2022SundayDhanishtha, Shatabhisha,Ashtami
May 23, 2022MondayShatabhisha,Ashtami
May 26, 2022ThursdayRevati,Ekadashi

Vehicle Buying Muhurats in June 2022:

June 2, 2022ThursdayPunarvasu,Tritiya
June 9, 2022ThursdayHasta, Chitra,Dashami
June 10, 2022FridayChitra, Swati,Dashami, Ekadashi
June 19, 2022SundayShatabhisha,Shashthi
June 26, 2022SundayRohini,Trayodashi

Vehicle Buying Muhurats in July 2022:

July 1, 2022FridayPushya,Tritiya
July 6, 2022WednesdayHasta,Ashtami
July 7, 2022ThursdayHasta, Chitra,Ashtami
July 8, 2022FridaySwati,Dashami
July 10, 2022SundayAnuradha,Ekadashi
July 15, 2022FridayDhanishtha,Tritiya
July 20, 2022WednesdayRevati,Ashtami
July 24, 2022SundayRohini,Ekadashi
July 25, 2022MondayMrigashirsha,Trayodashi

Vehicle Buying Muhurats in August 2022:

August 3, 2022WednesdayHasta, Chitra,Shashthi
August 5, 2022FridaySwati,Ashtami
August 7, 2022SundayAnuradha,Dashami
August 11, 2022ThursdayShravana,Purnima
August 12, 2022FridayDhanishtha, Shatabhisha,Purnima, Pratipada
August 21, 2022SundayMrigashirsha,Dashami, Ekadashi
August 24, 2022WednesdayPunarvasu, Pushya,Trayodashi
August 25, 2022ThursdayPushya,Trayodashi
August 31, 2022WednesdayChitra, Swati,Panchami

Vehicle Buying Muhurats in September 2022:

September 1, 2022ThursdaySwati,Panchami, Shashthi
September 8, 2022ThursdayShravana, Dhanishtha,Trayodashi
September 9, 2022FridayShatabhisha,Purnima
September 28, 2022WednesdaySwati,Tritiya
September 30, 2022FridayAnuradha,Panchami, Shashthi

Vehicle Buying Muhurats in October 2022:

October 5, 2022WednesdayShravana, Dhanishtha,Dashami, Ekadashi
October 7, 2022FridayShatabhisha,Trayodashi
October 9, 2022SundayRevati,
Purnima, Pratipada
October 10, 2022MondayRevati,Pratipada
October 14, 2022FridayRohini, Mrigashirsha,Panchami, Shashthi
October 17, 2022MondayPunarvasu, Pushya,Ashtami
October 27, 2022ThursdayAnuradha,Tritiya

Vehicle Buying Muhurats in November 2022:

November 2, 2022WednesdayDhanishtha, Shatabhisha,Dashami
November 3, 2022ThursdayShatabhisha,Dashami, Ekadashi
November 6, 2022SundayRevati,Trayodashi
November 10, 2022ThursdayRohini, Mrigashirsha,Tritiya
November 11, 2022FridayMrigashirsha,Tritiya
November 13, 2022SundayPunarvasu,Panchami, Shashthi
November 14, 2022MondayPunarvasu, Pushya,Shashthi
November 21, 2022MondayChitra, Swati,Trayodashi
November 28, 2022MondayShravana,Panchami, Shashthi
November 30, 2022 WednesdayShatabhisha,Ashtami

Vehicle Buying Muhurats in December 2022:

December 7, 2022WednesdayRohini,Purnima
December 8, 2022 ThursdayRohini, Mrigashirsha,Purnima, Pratipada
December 9, 2022FridayMrigashirsha,Pratipada
December 11, 2022SundayPunarvasu,Tritiya
December 12, 2022MondayPushya,Panchami
December 18, 2022SundayHasta, Chitra,Dashami, Ekadashi
December 19, 2022MondayChitra, Swati,Ekadashi
December 21, 2022WednesdayAnuradha,Trayodashi
December 25, 2022SundayShravana,Tritiya
December 28, 2022WednesdayShatabhisha,Shashthi
December 30, 2022RevatiAshtami,Ashtakshari

What You should Check for Vehicle Purchase/Buying:

Auspicious dates-Auspicious day-good day to buy vehicle 2023

Vehicle Purchase Muhurat-Auspicious Vehicle Purchase Time

Auspicious Nakshtra ,Thithi on that day-When is rahu kaal in that day

The most auspicious dates: Below would be considered the most auspicious day to buy a Vehicle:

Prathama (first day), 

Trithiya (third day), 

Panchami (Fifth day), 

Sashti (Sixth Day), 

Dashami (Tenth Day), 

Ekadashi (Eleventh day), 

Trayodashi (13th day) and 

Poornima (Full Moon) are considered the most favorable days.

Special Muhurats: 

There are some days in a year when everything is just fine, you can just follow with these days and hours during the day if you plan to be less bugged by these hourly cycles during the day. These special days offer the best muhurat for vehicle purchase when you can perform all your activities and includes the days of,

Akshaya Tritiya

Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga

Guru Pushya Yoga

Ravi Pushya Yoga

Amrit Siddhi Yoga

Vijaya Dashami

Auspicious Day for car/bike /Any Vehicle delivery 2022:
The most auspicious days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday usually provide best muhurat for vehicle purchase.


It is the day of Shiva and all his devotees consider Monday to be the best day of the week. Some people feel the second day of the week is connected with beauty and our senses.


It is the day of the Mercury. Intellectually sound people find it to be the most preferable day as they feel aligned to this day like no other.


It is the day of Jupiter. Jupiter is all about expansion. Some believe that when Jupiter favors you, your hundred rupees investment becomes a thousand rupees draw.


It is the most auspicious auspicious day for car purchase as it is ruled by Venus. Everything beautiful, creative and artistic is usually taken up on this day. Buying a car or a bike is a creative goal for many, as often people buy inspired by the beauty of the products in use.


It is the first day of the week and the most auspicious day to buy two wheeler, the day ruled by the Sun when all is bright, hopeful and cheerful so some people prefer buying goods on this particular day.

Auspicious Nakshatra: 

The Nakshatras are the 28 individual sectors of the ecliptic. The stars mentioned as Nakshatras are the brightest star or asterism in that particular or nearby sector of the ecliptic.

There are four Nakshatras that help to identify the vehicle purchase muhurat for purchasing vehicles of any kind. These four are the best nakshatra for vehicle purchase that are





car delivery muhurat 2022

Rahu Kal period: 

Rahu Kaal period is known as the hour of the Rahu. Rahu is the demonic version who existed as a whole during the period of the Gods. During the Amrit Vittaran (distribution of Amrit) the demons were barred from receiving the divine Rasa (solution). Disobeying this very order, Swarbhanu got into the herd of Gods and drank the Amrit, just when he was sliced into half by the great Lord Vishnu.

Thus, Rahu and Ketu were born out of this division. Due to Rahu and Ketu’s contribution towards human upliftment, they were gifted a position between the great sages and Rishis and intellectuals. Yet, understanding Rahu’s energy or tolerating it is not everyone’s forte and thus, this period is avoided by people for the best.

An auspicious day to buy a car still would have a certain hour devoted to Rahu when all Manglik karya (auspicious events) are to be avoided.